Last night unkwown persons attacked Nikolaj Khramov, activist of the Transnational Radical Party, who coordinates antimilitarist campaign of the Party in Russia. Attack happenned near the metro station Kolomenskaya at 1.20 a.m., when Nikolaj Khramov togehther with another activist of the party Sergei Vorontsov was going home from the Moscow office of the RP.
Now Nikolaj Khramov is in the neuro-sergical department of the Moscow hospital N 7.The diagnosis is "a stab-wound in the occiput" and "concussion of the brain".
One of the assaultants said the militia that he is "working in the bodies" (what means interior) and after this statement all the participants of the attack were released.
Thus this is the second incident that happened with Radical Party activists in Moscow during the last year and a half. On the 27th of February 1994 Andrea Tamburi, Radical Party coordinator, was murdered.
During the last year Nikolaj Khramov is actively expanding the antimilitarist company in Russia. In January 1995 N.Khramov and Antonio Stango, member of the Secretariat, travelled in Chechenya to establish the direct contacts with Kovalev's group and attach the world community's attention to the brutal human rights violations of the civilians in Chechenya.