* Austria
- Die Presse (newspaper) 12/3: "Excitement for the Tibetan flags".
- Tiroler Tageszeitung (daily) 3/9 (w/ photo). "Tibet day: who hoist the flag?"
- Tiroler Bezirks Blatter (weekly) 3/12-20 (w/ photo) "Hoisting the Tibetan flag was not permitted"
- Rundschau (weekly) 3/11. "Heartless for oppressed Tibet"
- Ausserferner Nachrichten (weekly) 3/11. "Solidarity with the oppressed"
- Journal Tirol (monthly) March (w/ photo). "Tirol for Tibet"
- West Tirol (monthly) March. "Imst municipality will fly the Tibetan flag"
- Kronenzeitung (daily) 3/13 (w/ photo). "Feelings' artistic strength"
- Kitzbuhler Anzeiger (daily) 4/14. "Kitzbuhel shows its solidarity on worldwide Tibet day"
* Belgium
a) Newspapers
- Le Soir (newspaper) 11/3: page 6 with picture and 3 columns on the demonstration. "Demonstration for the freedom in Tibet".
- La Libre Belgique (newspaper) 11/3 first page. "Tibet doesn't exist".
- Het Belang Van Limburg (newspaper) 11/3: "Commemoration of the lost battle for freedom".
- Het Belang Van Limburg (newspaper) 11/3: "Riemst and Dilsen-Stokkem hoist the Tibetan Flag".
- Het Laatste Nieuws (newspaper) 11/3: "The Tibetans still hope for their freedom".
- La Libre Belgique (daily) 15/3. "Vande Lanotte answers".
b) TV-Radio
- BRTN (state TV) 10/3: news segment
- RTL TV1 (private TV) 10/3: news segment
- RTBF (state TV) 10/3: news segment
* Bulgaria
- Novinar (newspaper) 12/3: "An ex-deputy displayed the Tibetan flag".
- Kontinent (newspaper) 12/3: "A party leader displayed a Tibetan flag".
- 24 Ore ( newspaper) 12/3: "A party displayed the Tibetan flag in Plodviv"
- Standard (newspaper) 12/3: "An ex-deputy displayed the Tibetan flag from his location".
* Croatia
- Glas Slavonije (newspaper) 11/3. With photo. "Raised the flag for Tibet"
* Czech Republic
a) Newspapers
- Mf Dnes (newspaper) 11/3: page 3 "Towns display the Tibetan flags in protest against the Chinese diplomacy".
- Zemske Noviny (newspaper) 11/3: page 2 "The Tibetan flags are displayed on the town halls to strongly protest against the Chinese Embassy".
- Svobodne Slovo (newspaper) 11/3: "The Tibetan flags are displayed on the town halls to strongly protest against the Chinese Embassy".
- Lidove Noviny (newspaper) 11/3: page 6 "Tibetan Insurrection"
- Mf Dnes (newpaper) 12/3: page 2 "hundreds of people ask for the freedom of Tibet".
- Reflex (weekly) 28/3. 3-page article on Brussels' demonstration.
b) TV-Radio
- CTV (State Tv) 10/3: 5 minutes report on the demonstration in Brussel in the evening news.
- CTV (State Tv) 11/3: news report on the demonstration of Prague in the news at 19.
* Finland
- Hufvustasbladet ( newspaper) 11/3, photo of Commissioner Bonino. "Protest for Free Tibet"
* France
a) Newspapers
- Le Monde (newspaper) 12/3: "Demonstration for the decolonization of Tibet".
- Le Crosne (monthly) n.111, March. "Tibet Freedom"
- Le Dauphiné Libéré (daily) 3/10. "For a freed Tibet"
- Nord Eclair (daily) 3/10. "A flag for Tibet in the sqare"
- Voix du Nord (daily) 3/10. "Solidarity with Tibet"
- Ouest France (daily) 3/12. "A flag for Tibet"
- Le Rennais (monthly) 3/13. "A flag for Tibet"
- Les Petites Affiches (weekly) 3/13. "Operation: a flag for Tibet"
- Le Républicain (daily) 3/14. "A flag for Tibet"
b) TV-Radio
- France 2 (State Tv) 10/3: news report of 23,30.
- ARTE (Tv) 3/10. Segment during the 8pm news.
- Canal + (Tv) 3/16. 7 minutes segment on the Brussels demonstration during the "C'est pas le 20h" programme.
- Radio Notre Dame (Paris-based radio) 3/9 and 10. Several segments during the various news broadcasts.
- France Info (radio). Several segments during the various news broadcasts.
- Radio-France International (radio).
- Le Monde (daily). 3/19. Article on the opening of Human Rights Committee works in Geneva, reminding the activity for Tibet in Europe.
* Germany
- Suddeutsche Zeitung (daily) 3/12 (w/ photo). About Brussels' demonstration.
* Hungary
a) Newspapers
- Mai Nap (daily) 3/11. "Memory"
- Kisalfold (daily) 3/11. "For Tibet"
- Hajdu-Bihari Naplo (daily) 3/11. With photo AP of Emma Bonino and Samdhong Rinpoche in Brussels. "Demonstration for Tibet in Brussels and Budapest".
- Tolnai Nepujsag (daily) 3/11. With photo of the Mayor of Paks hoisting the Tibetan flag. "Paks too protests against the Chinese occupation of Tibet".
- Magyar Hirlap (daily) 3/12. "Where the Tibetan flag flies".
- Mai Nap (daily) 3/12. "Tibet at home".
- Magyar Nemzet (daily) 3/12. "Why he didn't hoist the Tibetan flag?".
- Fidesz Hirlekel (monthly) March. "Demonstration for Tibet"
- Tolnaj Nepujsag (daily) 3/9. "Tibetan flag in Paks"
- Zalai Hirlap (daily) 3/9. "Tomorrow: a flag for Tibet"
- Budapest Week (English language weekly) 3/7. "Freedom for Tibet"
- Magyar Narancs (weekly) 3/7. "Tibetan dance"
- Magyar Hirlap (daily) 3/11. "Laszlo L. Lorincz stories into Tibet secrets"
- Kurir (daily) 3/11. "For whom the small bell rings"
- Kurir (daily) 3/13. "You, Tibet...."
- Magyar Narancs (weekly) 3/14. "Whining, against problems"
- Magyar Hirlap (newspaper) 11/3: page 4. "Demonstration for a free Tibet".
- Magyar Nemzet (newpaper) 11/3: "The Tibetan question".
- Nepszabadsag (newspaper) 11/3: page 5. "Demonstration in Budapest for Tibet"
- Magyar Nemzet (newspaper) 12/3: "Have you freed Tibet?"
- Magyar Narancs (weekly) 13/3: "Demonstration for Tibet".
b) TV-Radio
- MTV! (State Tv) 10/3 news report of the 19,30 on the demonstrations of Brussel and Budapest.
- MTV2 (State Tv) 11/3: 10 minute news report with interviews on "Objektiv", political program of deepening aired at 22.
* Italy
a) Newspapers
- Il Giorno (newspaper) 10/3: "European Parliamentarians in support of the cause of free Tibet".
- Il Messaggero-L'Aquila (newspaper) 10/3: "Another flop for the Dalai Lama?".
- La stampa (newspaper) 11/3: first page: "The flag of the country that is not there".
- Eco delle valli (newspaper) 12/3: "Freedom for Tibet".
- La Nazione (newspaper) 13/3: "Free Tibet: debate between opposition and Mayor".
b) TV-Radio
- Rai Due (State TV) 10/3: 35 seconds report in the news of 23,30.
- Rai Uno (State Tv) 11/3: Euronews report on the demonstration in the morning news.
* Lithuania
- Respublika (daily) 3/12 (w/ photo of demonstration in Vilnius). "Lituania recognizes Tibet and Taiwan as part of Chinese territory"
* Luxembourg
- Luxembourg Wort (daily): page 7, half page on 6 columns with numerous photos. "Europe demonstrates for a free Tibet".
* Poland
- Gazeta Wiborcza (newspaper) 11/3: "The message of the Dalai Lama. Tibet like Poland in the 80s".
* Russia
a) Newspapers
- Moscow News (newspaper) 10/3: "The last train to Lhasa".
- Moskovskije Novosti (weekly) 3/10-17. "Last train to Lhasa"
b) TV-Radio
- Vest (Tv) 10: report on the demonstrations of Moscow and Brussel in the news at 20.
- Tv St. PETERSBURG 10/3: report on the city demonstration in the evening news.
- Eho News (radio) 10/3: report on the demonstration.
* Spain
- ABC (newspaper) 11/3: page 34. "Thousands of demonstrators in Brussel ask for the freedom for Tibet".
- El Mundo (newpaper) 11/3. "Brussel marches for the freedom in Tibet".
- El Correo (Basque newspaper) 11/3 and 12/3: on the demonstration in Brussel and Guernica.
- Deia (Basque newspaper) 11/3: on the demonstration of Brussel and Guernica.
- El Mundo (Basque newspaper) 11/3: on the demonstration in Brussel and Guernica.
* Switzerland
a) Newspapers
- Tages-Anzeiger (newspaper) 11/3: on the demonstration in Brussel and the press conference in Zurich
- NZZ (newspaper) 11/3: on the demonstration in Brussel
- Corriere del Ticino (newspaper) 11/3: on the demonstration in Brussel
- Regionale (newspaper) 11/3: on the demonstration in Brussel
b) TV-Radio
- Tele Zuri (Tv) 10/3: 4 minutes of news report
- Tagesschau (Tv) 10/3: 1 minute of news report
- Tele Journal (Tv): news report
- TVSR (Tv) 10/3: news report
- NTV (Tv): news report
- ITN (Tv): news report
- The San Francisco Chronicle (daily) 3/9. "Berkeley flies the flag for freedom in Tibet"
* News Agency
- Agency reports on the demonstration appeared in the news reports of the following press agencies: Belga (Belgium), Reuters (United Kingdom), Ansa (Italy), MTI (Hungary), Agence Europe, UPI, AFP (France).
* Satellite TV
- Euronews 10/3 report of the demonstration in the news.
- Polsat 10/3: report on the demonstration in Warsaw.
- TV5 10/3: report on the demonstration in the news.