B4-0778, 0790, 0800, 0811, 0832 and 0841/95
Resolution on the murder in Pakistan of Iqbal Masih, symbol of the fight against child slavery
The European Parliament,
A.profoundly shocked by the murder on 16 April in Murtque, near Lahore, of the young Pakistani Iqbal Masih, aged 12, who was leading the campaign against the forced labour of children in Pakistan,
B.pointing out that this boy was a bonded labourer, working in unhealthy conditions for 10 hours a day making carpets, from the age of four to ten, for a wage of one rupee a day,
C.appalled that, according to the ILO, thousands of the children working in such conditions in the Pakistani carpet industry die before they reach the age of twelve,
D.greatly impressed by the courage of this child, who after being rescued from what amounts to slavery in all but name, made speeches to international audiences and in Pakistan against the system of bonded child labour in spite of receiving death threats for so doing,
E.whereas Article 32 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted in November 1989, requires the States Parties - including Pakistan - to protect children from any work harmful to the child's health, education or development,
F.shocked that, according to ILO estimates, there are in India alone 10 million children enslaved under forced labour conditions and that of the estimated 20 million bonded labourers in Pakistan, at least 6 million are children,
G.recalling that in theory such labour is illegal in Pakistan, and aware that the evil of bonded labour is not limited to these two countries,
H.voicing its solidarity with the movements and organizations campaigning in that part of the world against slavery, child trafficking and child prostitution, such as the BLLF, especially its Pakistani branch,
I.concerned that many carpets made by ruthlessly exploited child labour in Pakistan and other Asian countries are exported to the European Union,
J.recalling its resolutions of 13 July 1993 on human rights, democracy and development and 22 April 1994 on economic and trade relations between the European Community and Pakistan,
1.Salutes the memory of Iqbal Masih, who fought courageously in the campaign against child labour;
2.Condemns those responsible for the murder to Iqbal Masih, notes that a man has been arrested for it and urges the Pakistani authorities to do all in their power to bring to justice those who instigated this crime, as well as those who carried it out;
3.Encourages the Pakistani government to pursue its campaign against child slavery and to implement existing legislation on this subject, and calls on the governments of the countries concerned to respect the Convention on the Rights of the Child;
4.Reaffirms its determination to enforce, in trade relations with third countries, the social clause subordinating trade agreements to compliance with the minimum provisions of the ILO conventions;
5.Welcomes the Indo-German initiative by NGOs and representatives of the carpet trade supported by ILO, Unicef and others to create the labelling system 'Rugmark', to indicate rugs produced without child labour, and supports its extension to all Member States of the Union;
6.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the Council, the Governments of Pakistan and India, the parliaments of Pakistan and India and the Secretary-General of the ILO.