(Rule 143(2))
Resolution on the Commission report on a review of Community energy legislation and the communication from the Commission concerning the repeal of several Community legislative texts in the field of energy policy (COM(95)0391 - C4-0350/95)
The European Parliament,
-having regard to the report of the Commission on a review of Community energy legislation and the communication from the Commission concerning the repeal of several Community legislative texts in the field of energy policy (COM(95)0391 - C4-0350/95),
-having regard to the report of the Committee on Research, Technological Development and Energy (A4-0317/95),
A.whereas, in the interests of transparency, it is desirable to streamline Community legislation wherever necessary,
1.Approves the repeal of nine legislative acts in the field of the rational use of energy (Recommendations 76/492/EEC, 76/493/EEC, 76/496/EEC, 77/712/EEC, and 79/167/ECSC, EEC, EURATOM) and oil (Regulations (EEC) No 1055/72, EEC No 3254/74, (EEC) No 388/75 and EEC No 1038/79) which have either become obsolete or are now covered by later Community legislation;
2.Approves the maintenance of Recommendation 77/713/EEC and Directive 78/170/EEC concerning the rational use of energy, and Directive 76/491/EEC concerning oil , which do not duplicate subsequent acts;
3.Supports the temporary maintenance of two Decisions (77/186/EEC and 77/706/EEC) and one Directive (75/339/EEC) on oil, while calling on the Commission to propose a new package of crisis measures as soon as possible in this sector which is particularly sensitive to geopolitical uncertainties;
4.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission and the Council.