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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio segreteria PR
- 20 febbraio 1996

That is true, that even in Russia, where using computer networks and faxes is not so wide and often as in Europe (without speaking about North America) - even here we got already some results thanks to using networks and distribution e-mail (also in terms of adhesion to our Tibetan campaign).

For what concerns TIBET FAX, actually, on the reunion here we decided that amount of possible receivers who do not read English does not make sense to spend many efforts to translate it. As for the moment. But I hope in nearest future such a need should finally appear. Anyway, I sent today 21 e-mail address to Alberto Novi in order to check if that people are in the mailing list.

TRANSNATIONAL-FAX plays another role, being now the only way to communicate with members and activists within our "periphery". It is being distributed in Russian from GlasNet to 117 e-mail addresses, 44 faxes in Moscow and 30 faxes in other cities of Russia and CIS: including members, activists, MPs, journalists etc. We also post it into 6 conferences in Relcom/Eunet (the biggest network in CIS, about 50.000 users) and GlasNet. We also print a few amount of hard copies (some tens) in order to distribute among activists who regularly and physically keep in touch with the office.

I suppose that "Antiprohibitionists All Over the World - Fax", as well as "Democracy in China - Fax" and "Democracia en Cuba - Fax" will also get their readers in Russia.

At the same time I would like to add, that currently we are preparing in Moscow an electronic bulletin called "ARA-Fax" on antimilitarist Radical campaign. It should be published in two languages - Russian and English - and distributed via GlasNet and Agora'. Of course, I address to everybody asking to communicate constantly e-mail addresses of those interested to get this bulletin too. Of course, at the moment it does not claim to be "Antimilitarists All Over the World" but something similar to "CORA-Fax"... And - to finish with antimilitarist activity - I would like to ask Luca Frassineti, is it possible to establish an HTTP link from Radical Party home page on Agora' WEB server to www.glas.apc.org when our antimilitarist home page will be ready?

There are however some technical difficulties regarding distribution faxes. GlasNet - unlike Agora' - does not provide sending faxes with cover sheet page, therefore it is impossible to direct faxes addressed to a concrete person to fax machine used by many people, for instance in the offices. At the same time Agora' does not permit using Cyrillic characters in fax messages.

Anyway, let's do our best to develop progressive communications! :)

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