ABSTRACT: Text of the final document approved by the Congress with 92,72% of total votes (220 voters: 204 yes, 7 no, 9 abstained).
The 37th Congress of the Radical Party, held in Rome on April 7-8, 1995,
thanks the board of directors, members, advocates and activists of "Hands Off Cain" Association (and its campaign for the abolition of death penalty in the world by year 2000) which, using the activists' personal dedication and the strength of hopes and commitment to overcome financial difficulties and scarcity of energy, were able to bring on the floor of the UN Assembly the issue of a moratorium on death penalty. Due to Gandhian non-violence, to tolerant, secular and human dialogue, for the first time in history the UN was forced to debate on that matter and also to take its first steps toward the establishment of an International penal jurisdiction for crimes against humanity.
Some important, although not decisive, results have also been achieved on the issues addressed at the Sofia General Council in July 1993; to support those specific issues, in respect of the Council decisions, the Party itself and its federated associations launched several campaigns -- each of them is a necessary expression of methods and concepts in the Radical Party.
This is particularly the case of the following campaigns: for harm reduction and revision of UN conventions on drugs, both issues at the core of any National prohibitionist legislation and prime responsible of the fast growing of an illegal, corruptive and "mafioso" market -- which today has an uncontrollable political and economical power; for the development of the International language; against pandemics and AIDS spread; for the establishment of an High Authority for Danube area; against the insane policy on energy/nuclear matters currently pursued in former USSR countries.
However this Congress is forced to realize that our Party seems no longer capable to push forward those campaigns and successes, and even less it seems able to respond to new goals already determined or to more urgent problems yet to come.
In fact, anywhere in the world that security and certainty questions considered as definitely acquired are being challenged by dramatic crisis and anticipation. One can easily says that any regions is now facing a growing and uncontrolled violence, leading to a new kind of incredibly grave terrorist actions and to a chaotic growth of movements against the principles of civil tolerance and closeness. Almost anywhere those needs, wishes, and hopes which are even positive, just, necessary take forms and expressions fed with an intolerant and unquestionable fundamentalism.
On one hand, we have the European Union facing with disillusion the decline and abandon of the Altiero Spinelli's federal perspective toward a political subject with its own capabilities and choices, ready to be joined by new countries and to offer humanitarian aid and support to foster democratic process in other countries.
The United Nations, on the other hand, viewed until yesterday as an essential trustee for worldwide stability and peace, are suffering a crisis of credibility which can be overcame only by empowering its democracy and efficiency.
We also have to point out the unjustified silence worldwide of both public opinion and governments regarding the unheard voice of the Dalai Lama, addressing any single conscience on oppression of Tibet in the context of totalitarian denial of democracy and rights for Chinese people. To save Tibet and the Tien An Men message as well, to prevent the efficientist Chinese communism from becoming a new tragic model it is needed a huge work intented to implement that foolish and reasonable hope of a worldwide initiative capable of re-organizing nonviolence in a great Satyagraha.
This Congress acknowledges the reports presented by the Party's executives, stating that current difficulties are caused by scarcity of economic resources (which no longer can reside on contributions and membership fees of Italian members only) but even more in the static conditions of Party's activists and executives (besides their great efforts so far, for which the Congress thanks them all) in facing actual urgencies and requests.
Therefore in continuing its activities in the current conditions, the Radical Party will reduce itself into a void testimony, an alibi for violence and submission.
These difficulties will never be overcame without a detailed revision of any tool, structure and method along with moving the full responsibility of activist and decisional steps to new energies, either already available within the Party itself or converging from outside on its need as unique transnational tool in our times.
Looking forward the achievement, establishment and realization of this turning point:
The 37th Congress - like the 35th Congress of the Party's Transnational Re-founding in 1989 - delegates the current Party's Secretary, Treasurer and President to exercise their tasks for a maximum of one more year, requiring full accordance and unanimity among themselves about any decision affecting the life of the Radical Party. In particular, the Congress put them in charge of set up a plan for a new Party's re-founding, taking the immediate and necessary steps toward that goal.
This Congress also decides that the Party's General Council will be exceptionally composed by 31 members chosen by the Congress itself.
Those changes to the Radical Party's Statute will be considered as temporary items.
The Congress sends an invitation and an appeal to any Party's member as well as to the members of each federated association to increase their political initiatives -- so that the Radical Party reasons, ideals and goals will be supported once again on the basis of anyone's actual commitment.
Finally, the Congress greets those who will take part tomorrow to the 1995 Sunday Palm March to offer a visible and strong testimony to the various groups of different humanitarian and religious inspiration struggling together against the death penalty -- hoping their strength could be able to get once again the debate on the floor of the United Nations, toward the goal of a universal legislation stating that any human life is no longer available to others, including one's own State.