Ho ricevuto questo testo da Mario Lap, antiproibizionista olandese iscritto al CORA, e mi sembra importante per il dibattito che si sta svolgendo anche da noi sulle proposte di legge e sulla richiesta referendaria. Ricordo che Lancet e' una delle piu' autorevoli riviste internazionali in ambiente medico. AMAZING EDITORIAL LANCET
>>the following is the editorial of last Lancet
>>I will put it up drugtext but could nor resist sending it to you all
>>mario lap
>>Volume 346, Number 8985, November 11 1995
>>Deglamorising cannabis
>>The smoking of cannabis, even long term, is not harmful to health. Yet
this widely used substance is illegal just about everywhere. There have been
numerous calls over the years for the legalisation, or at least
decriminalisation, of soft drugs, among which cannabis remains the most
popular with all social groups. In this highly contentious area, the Dutch
attitude has been often mentioned as the voice of sanity. In the
Netherlands, customers of coffee shops can buy up to 30 g of cannabis for
about 10 pounds ($15) although the drug is technically illegal. The shops
are not allowed to advertise, or to sell cannabis to individuals aged under
16 years.
>>Prominent among those currently calling for legislative reform - and going
further by making constructive proposals - are police chiefs and city
medical officers, people who know only too well that the existing policies
in most countries are ineffective and unworkable. Meanwhile, politicians
have largely remained silent, seemingly afraid of offending powerful
segments of the electorate or merely of being perceived as weak in the face
of rising crime figures. When the occasional politician raises her head
above the parapet - as the British opposition MP Clare Short did recently in
calling for a fresh debate on decriminalisation of cannabis - the response
is tediously predictable: widespread condemnation from political colleagues
and overwhelming support from those who have to cope with the end result of
political inertia.
>>In the case of Ms Short, not only was she speedily reprimanded by the
party leader, but also party officials claimed that their non-legalisation
stance was entirely logical since legalisation of cannabis would "increase
the supply, reduce the price, and increase the usage". According to a Home
Office report earlier this year, the number of people taking cannabis has
doubled in a decade - without any help from "liberal" measures. Perhaps the
politicians' real fear was that freedom to use soft drugs would
automatically progress to increased use of substances such as cocaine and
heroin. If so, they must have overlooked the recent Dutch government review
which pointed out that decriminalisation of possession of soft drugs has not
led to a rise in the use of hard drugs.
>>If the Dutch approach is so successful, why are changes afoot in The Hague
to tighten up that country's drug policy.? First Amsterdam's mayor proposed
closing down half the city's coffee shops that sell cannabis, and in doing
so he rejected a report by his health department in favour of legalisation
of soft drugs. Then the Dutch government, which had made an election promise
to legalise cannabis, last month issued a discussion paper which mirrored
the Amsterdam plan. If, as expected, the Dutch parliament agrees the latest
proposals, half the country's 4000 cannabis-selling coffee shops will close
and the amount that can be sold to an individual will be cut to 5 g. Since
the government's own review provides no ammunition for such a change in
policy, the real reason behind the new measures must lie elsewhere. One need
look no further than the Netherlands' neighbours and co-signatories of the
Schengen agreement, which introduced a border-free zone between the
Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain, Luxembourg, and Belgium. When France,
in particular, threatened to end the agreement, claiming that the
Netherlands was the major supplier of Europe's drugs, some action had to be
taken and the coffee shops became the scapegoat.
>>Leaving politics aside, where is the harm in decriminalising cannabis.?
There is none to the health of the consumers, and the criminal fraternity
who depend for their succour on prohibition would hate it. But
decriminalisation of possession does not go far enough in our view. That has
to be accompanied by controls on source, distribution, and advertising, much
as happens with tobacco. A system, in fact, remarkably close to the existing
one in Dutch coffee shops.
>>Cannabis has become a political football, and one that governments
continually duck. Like footballs, however, it bounces back. Sooner or later
politicians will have to stop running scared and address the evidence:
cannabis per se is not a hazard to society but driving it further
underground may well be.
>>The Lancet
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