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   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Robert Jean-Luc
(4) Jean-Luc Robert - Legalization versus prohibition
(4) Jean-Luc Robert - Legalization versus prohibition Jean-Luc Robert, parliamentary assistant, European Parliament
Introduction In a report published 10 February 1993, the International Narcotics Control Board evaluated the results of
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Caballero Francis
(5) Francis Caballero - Liberalize rather than Punish
(5) Francis Caballero - Liberalize rather than Punish Francis Caballero, Lawyer, Professor of Criminal Law at the
University of Paris X, President of the Controlled Legalization Movement (MLC), Author of Le Droit de la Drogue, Dalloz,
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: MCL
(6) MLC Manifesto
(6) MLC Manifesto Founded in Paris on 30 January 30 1993, by Francis Caballero, the Movement for Controlled
Legalization (MLC in French) numbers about 100 members. The MLC acts in the field mainly by actions in court. MLC lawyers
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Chomsky Noam
(7) Noam Chomsky - The drug war
(7) Noam Chomsky - The drug war Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Member of the American Academy of Science. The following discourse is taken
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Friedman Milton
(8) Milton Friedman - The Drug War as a Socialist Enterprise
(8) Milton Friedman - The Drug War as a Socialist Enterprise Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize-winning Professor (Emeritus)
of Economics at the University of Chicago and Hoover Institution Senior Research Fellow, Standford University. In 1972,
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Pannella Marco
(9) Marco Pannella - Drugs and Drug Addicts
(9) Marco Pannella - Drugs and Drug Addicts Marco Pannella, Founder of the Radical Party, Member of the European
Parliament In 1975, the new bill on drugs being discussed in the italian Chamber of Deputies contains a glaring
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Savater Fernando
(10) Fernando Savater - Is Decriminalization worth Considering?
(10) Fernando Savater - Is Decriminalization worth Considering? Fernando Savater, Philosopher, Author, Madrid Let us
imagine that the information the public gets about cars came from two sources only: advertisements and the obituary.
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Thamm Berndt Georg
(11) Berndt Georg Thamm - Eastern Europe and CIS (I)
(11) Berndt Georg Thamm - Eastern Europe and CIS (I) Anything But Quiet on the Eastern Front From Polski Kompott to the
Russian Mafia - Part 1: Eastern Europe Berndt Georg Thamm, Journalist, Founder of the German Association for Research on
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Thamm Berndt Georg
(12) Berndt Georg Thamm - Eastern Europe and the CIS (II)
(12) Berndt Georg Thamm - Eastern Europe and the CIS (II) Anything But Quiet on the Eastern Front From Poliski Kompott
to the Russian Mafia - Part 2: Community of Independent States - From the USSR to the CIS Berndt Georg Thamm,
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Thamm Berndt Georg
(13) Berndt Georg Thamm - Eastern Europe and the CIS (III)
(13) Berndt Georg Thamm - Eastern Europe and the CIS (III) Anything but Quiet on the Eastern Front From Polski Kompott
to the Russian Mafia - Part 3: Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) II: Drugs and Crime in the Member States Berndt
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Thamm Berndt Georg
(14) Berndt Georg Thamm - Eastern Europe and CIS (IV)
(14) Berndt Georg Thamm - Eastern Europe and CIS (IV) Anything but Quiet on the Eastern Front From Polski Kompott to the
Russian Mafia - Part 4: East meets West-Europe as a Geographic Crime Zone Berndt Georg Thamm, Journalist, Founder of
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Garrido Ricardo Soberon
(15) Ricardo Soberón Garrido - Latin America between Harmonization and
(15) Ricardo Soberón Garrido - Latin America between Harmonization and Confrontation Ricardo Soberón Garrido, Andean
Commission of Jurists Introduction Historical developments in the implementation of control policies in the countries
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Fox Russel
(16) Russel Fox - Drug Prohibition in Australia
(16) Russel Fox - Drug Prohibition in Australia Russel Fox, Former Judge of the Federal Court of Australia and Chief
Judge of the Australian Capital Territory. The law in Australia respecting the prohibition of drugs stems from the
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Fromberg Eric
(17) Eric Fromberg - The Case of the Netherlands: Contradictions and V
(17) Eric Fromberg - The Case of the Netherlands: Contradictions and Values Eric Fromberg, NIAD, Dutch Institute for
Alcohol and Drugs, Utrecht. The contradiction The Dutch are Calvinists. Even our Catholics are Calvinists. As an
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Apap Georges
(18) Georges Apap - When Medicine is Repressive
(18) Georges Apap - When Medicine is Repressive Georges Apap, Former Public Prosecutor to the Court of Justice of
Valance, France. It is well known that the French repressive system against drugs is characterized by severity
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Casalotti Elisabetta
(19) Elisabetta Casalotti - Drug Policy and Antiprohibitionism in Gree
(19) Elisabetta Casalotti - Drug Policy and Antiprohibitionism in Greece Elisabetta Casalotti, Head of the Greek
Antiprohibitionist League. Greece, a small country with a population of just over 10 million, can be considered to be
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Parry Allan
(20) Allan Parry - The Rise & Fall of the Mersery Harm-Reduction Strat
(20) Allan Parry - The Rise & Fall of the Mersery Harm-Reduction Strategy Allan Parry, Director of the Atlantic Project
Mersey Drugs and AIDS Coordinator, 1986 - 1991 Since 1986, the consistently low numbers of HIV+ injectors in Mersey,
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Cambio 16
(21) Cambio 16 - Manifesto for the Legalization of Drugs
(21) Cambio 16 - Manifesto for the Legalization of Drugs The drug 'Prohibition' has made traffic in illegal substances
an attractive and profitable business, and fostered criminality and corruption at all levels. The United States,
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Schardt Susan
(22) Susan Schardt - The European Cities on Drug Policy
(22) Susan Schardt - The European Cities on Drug Policy Susan Schardt, Head of the ECDP Coordination Bureau, Frankfurt
am Main The European Cities on Drug Policy (ECDP) cooperate on the basis of the Frankfurt Resolution that sketches the
   1 luglio 1994 - - di: Vasseur Paul
(23) Frankfurt Resolution
(23) Frankfurt Resolution I. WE DECLARE: I. The attempt to eliminate drugs and drug consumption from our
civilizations has failed. The demand for drugs has not lingered despite all efforts and everything points to the fact
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