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Notizie Radicali, il giornale telematico di Radicali Italiani
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i testi dal 1955 al 1998

gio 19 set. 2024
Archivi radicali SELECT * from cms_document LEFT JOIN cms_cat_doc on cms_document.id=cms_cat_doc.iddocument . WHERE MATCH (doc_keys) AGAINST ('":risoluzione:"' in boolean mode) order by doc_date DESC
  2334 elementi trovati, pagina 105 di 117    prima prec. 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 succ. ultima
   24 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/47 Resolution A36r047 24 November 1981 70th plenary meeting Question of the United States Virgin Islands
The General Assembly, Having considered the question of the United States Virgin Islands, Having examined the relevant
   24 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/48 Resolution A36r048 24 November 1981 70th plenary meeting Question of American Samoa The General
Assembly, Having considered the question of American Samoa, Having examined the relevant chapters of the report of the
   24 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/49 Resolution A36r049 24 November 1981 70th plenary meeting Information from Non-Self-Governing
Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations The General Assembly, Recalling its
   24 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/50 Resolution A36r050 24 November 1981 Question of East Timor The General Assembly, Recognizing the
inalienable right of all peoples to self-determination and independence in accordance with the principles of the Charter
   24 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/51 Resolution A36r051 24 November 1981 Activities of foreign economic and other interests which are
impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in
   24 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/52 Resolution A36r052 24 November 1981 Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence
to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the
   24 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/53 Resolution A36r053 24 November 1981 United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern
Africa The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions on the United Nations Educational and Training Programme for
   24 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/54 Resolution A36r054 24 November 1981 Offers by Member States of study and training facilities for
inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 35/31 of 11 November 1980,
   23 novembre 1981 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 493 (1981)
RESOLUTION 493 (1981) RESOLUTION S81R493 S/RES/493 (1981) 23 November 1981 Adopted by the Security
Council at its 2311th meeting on 23 November 1981 The Security Council, Having
   19 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/40 Resolution A36r040 19 November 1981 64th plenary meeting World Communications Year: Development of
Communications Infrastructures The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 32/160 of 19 December 1977 on the
   19 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/41 Resolution A36r041 19 November 1981 64th plenary meeting World Tourism Organization The General
Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 32/157 of 19 December 1977 and 33/122 of 19 December 1978, concerning the World
   19 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/42 Resolution A36r042 19 November 1981 64th plenary meeting Mobilization of personal savings The General
Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 3201 (S-VI) and 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974, containing the Declaration and the
   19 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/43 Resolution A36r043 19 November 1981 64th plenary meeting Global Strategy for Health for All by the
Year 2000 The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 34/58 of 29 November 1979 concerning health as an integral
   19 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/44 Resolution A36r044 19 November 1981 64th plenary meeting Technical co-operation among developing
countries The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 3201 (S-VI) and 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974, containing the
   19 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/45 Resolution A36r045 19 November 1981 64th plenary meeting United Nations University The General
Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 2951 (XXVII) of 11 December 1972, 3081 (XXVIII) of 6 December 1973, 3313 (XXIX) of
   18 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/34 Resolution A36r034 18 November 1981 62nd plenary meeting The situation in Afghanistan and its
implications for international peace and security The General Assembly, Having considered the item entitled "The
   18 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/35 Resolution A36r035 18 November 1981 63rd plenary meeting International co-operation in the peaceful
uses of outer space The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 35/14 of 3 November 1980, Deeply convinced of the
   18 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/36 Resolution A36r036 18 November 1981 63rd plenary meeting Second United Nations Conference on the
Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 33/16 of 10 November 1978,
   18 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/37 Resolution A36r037 18 November 1981 63rd plenary meeting Comprehensive review of the whole question of
peace-keeping operations in all their aspects The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 2006 (XIX) of 18 February
   18 novembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/38 Resolution A36r038 18 November 1981 63rd plenary meeting Twenty-fifth anniversary of the Asian-African
Legal Consultative Committee The General Assembly, Noting with appreciation the contribution of the Asian-African Legal
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