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25 luglio 1985
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1985/57 RESOLUTION 1985/57 Member Name E85r057 25 July 1985 52nd plenary meeting Assistance to the Palestinian people The Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly resolution 39/224 of 18 December 1984, Recalling also Council |
25 luglio 1985
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1985/58 RESOLUTION 1985/58 Member Name E85r058 25 July 1985 52nd plenary meeting Economic development projects in the occupied Palestinian territories The Economic and Social Council, Aware of the Israeli restrictions imposed on the foreign trade |
25 luglio 1984
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1984/55 RESOLUTION 1984/55 Member Name E84r055 25 July 1984 Meeting 48 Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated |
25 luglio 1984
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1984/56 RESOLUTION 1984/56 Member Name E84r056 25 July 1984 Meeting 48 Assistance to the Palestinian people The Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly resolution 38/145 of 19 December 1983, Recalling also Council resolution |
24 maggio 1984
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1984/17 RESOLUTION 1984/17 Member Name E84r017 24 May 1984 Meeting 19 Women under apartheid The Economic and Social Council, Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General on the situation of women and children living under racist minority |
24 maggio 1984
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1984/18 RESOLUTION 1984/18 Member Name E84r018 24 May 1984 Meeting 19 Situation of Palestinian women within and outside the occupied Arab territories The Economic and Social Council, Deeply concerned about the prevailing living conditions of |
28 luglio 1983
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1983/47 RESOLUTION 1983/47 Member Name E83r047 28 July 1983 Strengthening the capacity of the United Nations system to respond to natural disasters and other disaster situations The Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly |
25 luglio 1983
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1983/43 RESOLUTION 1983/43 Member Name E83r043 25 July 1983 Assistance to the Palestinian people The Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly resolution 37/134 of 17 December 1982, Recalling also Council resolution 1982/48 of |
23 novembre 1982
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION A37R029 RESOLUTION A37R029 A/RES/37/29 23 November 1982 Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations The General Assembly, Having examined the chapter of the report of |
23 novembre 1982
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION A37R032 RESOLUTION A37R032 A/RES/37/32 23 November 1982 Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United |
23 novembre 1982
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION A37R034 RESOLUTION A37R034 A/RES/37/34 23 November 1982 Offers by Member States of study and training facilities for inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 36/54 of 24 November |
22 ottobre 1982
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION A37R003 RESOLUTION A37R003 A/RES/37/3 22 October 1982 Consequences of the prolongation of the armed conflict between Iran and Iraq The General Assembly, Having considered the item entitled "Consequences of the prolongation of the armed |
4 maggio 1982
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1982/18. RESOLUTION 1982/18. Member Name E82r018 22nd plenary meeting 4 May 1982 Situation of women and children in the occupied Arab territories The Economic and Social Council, Deeply concerned about the prevailing conditions of the |
17 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/173 RESOLUTION 36/173 Resolution A36r173 17 December 1981 Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Palestinian and other Arab territories The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 34/136 of 14 December 1979, |
17 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/226 RESOLUTION 36/226 Resolution A36r226 17 December 1981 The situation in the Middle East A The General Assembly, Having discussed the item entitled "The situation in the Middle East", Taking note of the report of the |
16 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/147 RESOLUTION 36/147 Resolution A36r147 16 December 1981 Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories A The General Assembly, Recalling its |
16 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/171 RESOLUTION 36/171 Resolution A36r171 16 December 1981 Question of human rights relating to the case of Mr. Ziad Abu Eain The General Assembly, Recalling the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, |
10 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/120 RESOLUTION 36/120 Resolution A36r120 10 December 1981 Question of Palestine A The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 3376 (XXX) of 10 November 1975, 31/20 of 24 November 1976, 32/40 A and B of 2 December 1977, 33/28 A to C of |
4 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/70 RESOLUTION 36/70 Resolution A36r070 4 December 1981 Assistance to the Palestinian people The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 33/147 of 20 December 1978, 34/133 of 14 December 1979 and 35/111 of 5 December 1980, |
24 novembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/54 RESOLUTION 36/54 Resolution A36r054 24 November 1981 Offers by Member States of study and training facilities for inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 35/31 of 11 November 1980, |
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