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i testi dal 1955 al 1998

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   31 gennaio 1991 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 685 (1991)
RESOLUTION 685 (1991) RESOLUTION S91R685 S/RES/685 (1991) 31 January 1991 Adopted by the Security Council at its
2976th meeting on 31 January 1991 The Security Council, Recalling its resolutions 598 (1987) of 20 July 1987, 619
   28 novembre 1990 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 676 (1990)
RESOLUTION 676 (1990) RESOLUTION S90R676 S/RES/676 (1990) 28 November 1990 Adopted by the Security Council at its
2961st meeting on 28 November 1990 The Security Council, Recalling its resolutions 598 (1987) of 20 July 1987, 619
   27 settembre 1990 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 671 (1990)
RESOLUTION 671 (1990) RESOLUTION S90R671 S/RES/671 (1990) 27 September 1990 Adopted by the Security Council at its
2944th meeting on 27 September 1990 The Security Council, Recalling its resolutions 598 (1987) of 20 July 1987, 619
   25 settembre 1990 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 670 (1990)
RESOLUTION 670 (1990) RESOLUTION S90R670 S/RES/670 (1990) 25 September 1990 Adopted by the Security Council at its
2943rd meeting on 25 September 1990 The Security Council, Reaffirming its resolutions 660 (1990), 661 (1990), 662
   29 marzo 1990 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 651 (1990)
RESOLUTION 651 (1990) RESOLUTION S90R651 S/RES/651 (1990) 29 March 1990 Adopted by the Security Council at its 2916th
meeting, on 29 March 1990 The Security Council, Recalling its resolutions 598 (1987) of 20 July 1987, 619 (1988) of 9
   8 febbraio 1989 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 631 (1989)
RESOLUTION 631 (1989) RESOLUTION S89R631 S/RES/631 (1989) 8 February 1989 Adopted by the Security Council at its
2844th meeting on 8 February 1989 The Security Council, "Recalling its resolutions 598 (1987) and 619 (1988),
   9 agosto 1988 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 619 (1988)
RESOLUTION 619 (1988) RESOLUTION S88R619 S/RES/619 (1988) 9 August 1988 Adopted by the Security Council at its
2824th meeting on 9 August 1988 The Security Council, Recalling its resolution598 (1987), 1. Approves the report of
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