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Notizie Radicali, il giornale telematico di Radicali Italiani
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Archivi radicali SELECT * from cms_document LEFT JOIN cms_cat_doc on cms_document.id=cms_cat_doc.iddocument . WHERE MATCH (doc_keys) AGAINST ('":concorrenza:"' in boolean mode) order by doc_date DESC
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   22 ottobre 1994 - - di: Andrews John, The Economist
The commercial assets of the EU.
The commercial assets of the EU. 3. A QUESTION OF CULTURE Carving gracefully through the dazzling sky of C south-west
France, an Airbus A340 is Put through its paces. On the tarmac, other aircraft, slim A320s and bulky A310s, glisten in
   13 dicembre 1991 - - di: Parlamento Europeo
COMPETITION POLICY A3-0338/91 Text adopted on 13.12.91 RESOLUTION on the 20th Report of the
Commission of the European Communities on Competition Policy The European Parliament, - having regard to the 20th
   14 febbraio 1990 - - di: Taradash Marco
Risoluzione sulla concentrazione dei mezzi di informazione presentata
Risoluzione sulla concentrazione dei mezzi di informazione presentata da Marco Taradash e altri. Parlamento europeo
14-02-1990 Il Parlamento europeo, A. ricordando che la completa integrazione del mercato interno della Comunità deve
   12 ottobre 1978 - - di: Spinelli Altiero
Competition policy
Competition policy COMPETITION POLICY by Altiero Spinelli SUMMARY: The Parliament considers the Commission's
periodical report on competition policy, a matter reserved exclusively to the Community. The debate proceeds on the basis
   12 ottobre 1978 - - di: Spinelli Altiero
Concurrence POLITIQUE DE LA CONCURRENCE par Altiero Spinelli SOMMAIRE: Le Parlement examine le rapport périodique
de la Commission sur la politique de la concurrence, secteur de la compétence exclusive de la Communauté. Le débat se
   11 aprile 1978 - - di: Spinelli Altiero
Competition policy
Competition policy COMPETITION POLICY by Altiero Spinelli SUMMARY: The European Parliament discusses a report
prepared by the Committee on External Relations on the problems created by competitive practices and dumping. On this
   11 aprile 1978 - - di: Spinelli Altiero
Politique de concurrence
Politique de concurrence POLITIQUE DE CONCURRENCE par Altiero Spinelli SOMMAIRE: Le Parlement européen discute d'un
rapport élaboré par la commission des relations économiques extérieures sur les problèmes créés par les pratiques de
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