Radicali.it - sito ufficiale di Radicali Italiani
Notizie Radicali, il giornale telematico di Radicali Italiani
cerca [dal 1999]

i testi dal 1955 al 1998

sab 27 lug. 2024
Archivi radicali SELECT * from cms_document LEFT JOIN cms_cat_doc on cms_document.id=cms_cat_doc.iddocument . WHERE MATCH (doc_keys) AGAINST ('":risoluzione 508:"' in boolean mode) order by doc_date DESC
  6 elementi trovati, pagina 1 di 1
   23 settembre 1986 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 587 (1986)
RESOLUTION 587 (1986) RESOLUTION S86R587 S/RES/587 (1986) 23 September 1986 Adopted by the Security Council at its
2708th meeting on 23 September 1986 The Security Council, Recalling its resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), as
   4 ottobre 1982 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 523 (1982)
RESOLUTION 523 (1982) RESOLUTION S82R523 S/RES/523 (1982) 4 October 1982 Adopted by the Security Council at its
2400th meeting held on 18 October 1982 The Security Council, Having heard the statement of the President of the
   17 agosto 1982 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 519 (1982)
RESOLUTION 519 (1982) RESOLUTION S82R519 S/RES/519 (1982) 17 August 1982 Adopted by the Security Council at its 2393rd
meeting held on 17 August 1982 The Security Council, Recalling its resolutions 425 (1978), 426 (1978), 427
   18 giugno 1982 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 511 (1982)
RESOLUTION 511 (1982) RESOLUTION S82R511 S/RES/511 (1982) 18 June 1982 Adopted by the Security Council at its
2379th meeting held on 18 June 1982 The Security Council, Recalling its resolution 425 (1978), 426 (1978), 427
   6 giugno 1982 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 509 (1982)
RESOLUTION 509 (1982) RESOLUTION S82R509 S/RES/509 (1982) 6 June 1982 Adopted by the Security Council at its 2375th
meeting held on 6 June 1982 The Security Council, Recalling its resolutions 425 (1978) of 19 March 1978 and 508
   5 giugno 1982 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 508 (1982)
RESOLUTION 508 (1982) RESOLUTION S82R508 S/RES/508 (1982) 5 June 1982 Adopted by the Security Council at its 2374th
meeting held on 5 June 1982 The Security Council, Recalling Security Council resolution 425 (1978), 426 (1978)
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