Radicali.it - sito ufficiale di Radicali Italiani
Notizie Radicali, il giornale telematico di Radicali Italiani
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i testi dal 1955 al 1998

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Archivi radicali SELECT * from cms_document LEFT JOIN cms_cat_doc on cms_document.id=cms_cat_doc.iddocument . WHERE doc_date>='-1-1' order by doc_date DESC
  154086 elementi trovati, pagina 3244 di 7705    prima prec. 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 succ. ultima
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Radical Party
ICC/SIXTHCOM/NIGERIA Oct. 31, 1996 Statement by H.E. Ambassador I.E. Ayewah Mr. Chairman, [...] The results achieved
during the 1996 proceedings of the PREPCOM give my delegation a ray of hope that desire of the international community to
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Radical Party
ICC/SIXTHCOM/MONGOLIA Oct. 31, 1996 Statement by Ambassador J.Enkhsaikhan Mr. Chairman, [...] The position of
Mongolia on this question has always been clear. As our Prime Minister has specifically pointed out in his address at the
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Radical Party
ICC/SIXTHCOM/BRUNEI Oct. 31, 1996 Statement by PENGIRAN ZABAIDAH Mr. Chairman, [...] The Government of Brunei
Darussalam supports the establishment of a permanent International Criminal Court. We identify with those who have stated
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Radical Party
ICC/SIXTHCOM/BIRMANIA Oct. 31, 1996 Statement by U Thaung Tun Mr. Chairman, [...] There is today growing consensus
that if international criminal law is to be enforced effectively and perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Radical Party
ICC/SIXTHCOM/MALTA Nov. 1, 1996 Statement By Mr. Victor Pace representative of Malta Mr. chairman, [...] My
delegation has no hesitation in supporting the granting of a continuing mandate to the Preparatory Committee to continue
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Radical Party
ICC/SIXTHCOM/NEW ZEALAND Nov. 1, 1996 Statement by Felicity Wong representative of New Zealand Mr. Chairman, The New
York Time this week put the case very well. It is time to turn our attention to beyond the procedural debate about
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Radical Party
ICC/SIXTHCOM/GERMANY Nov.1, 1996 Statement by MR. Rolf Welberts Representative of Germany Mr. Chairman, [...] We are
extremely glad that the proposal to establish an International Criminal Court, which met with some scepticism a the
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Radical Party
ICC/SIXTHCOM/ETHIOPIA Oct. 31, 1996 Statement by Mr. Berhanemeskel Nega Mr. Chairman, [...] The past two session of
the Prepcom have made it very clear that there is a widespread support for an early establishment of the court and that
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Radical Party
ICC/SIXTHCOM/EIRE Oct. 31, 1996 Statement by Mr. Maurice Biggar Mr. Chairman, [...] My Government believes that the
time is ripe for establishment of an international criminal court in the light of the proliferation of heinous offences
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Radical Party
ICC/SIXTHCOM/AUSTRALIA Oct. 31, 1996 Statement by Ms. Cate Steains Mr. Chairman, [...] My delegation strongly
supports the conclusions and recommendations of the Preparatory Committee, which represent an important compromise for
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Radical Party
ICCSIXTHCOMRUSSIAN FEDERATION Nov. 1, 1996 Statement by the representative of the R.F. Mr. Chairman, [...] The
Russian Federation consistently supports the establishment of a permanent international criminal court. We are in favour
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Radical Party
ICCSIXHTCOMSLOVENIA Nov. 1, 1996 Statement by Mirjam Skrk representative of Slovenia Mr. Chairman, [...] Since 1992,
my delegation had throughout supported the efforts of the ILC to prepare a draft statute of a permanent criminal court.
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Radical Party
ICCSIXTHCOMMOZAMBIQUE Nov. 1, 1996 Statement by Mr. Cristiano dos Santos Representative of the Rep. of Mozambique Mr.
Chairman, [...] While recognizing and emphasizing the usefulness of the work done by the Preparatory Committee, in the
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Radical Party
ICCSIXTHCOMCZECH REPUBLIC Nov. 1, 1996 Statement by Mr. Milan Beranek representative of the Czech Republic Mr.
Chairman [...] Concerning the key question of the date of convening of the diplomatic conference, the Czech delegation is
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Radical Party
ICC/BOZZA DI RISOLUZIONE PER UN TRIBUNALE INTERNAZIONALE Istituzione di una corte penale internazionale L'Assemblea
Generale, Considerata la risoluzione 47/33 del 25 novembre 1992, in cui si richiedeva alla Commissione di Diritto
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Artur
Albanian antiproibicionist psychological Moviment!
Albanian antiproibicionist psychological Moviment! One future International Conference for the drug problems field in
Albania is the possibility of the Radical Antiproibicionist option to be claimed in comparison with the others!
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Tesseramento
3060 gli iscritti al 02-11-96
3060 gli iscritti al 02-11-96 SITUAZIONE ISCRIZIONI AL PR DEL 1996 e raffronto con gli anni precedenti Al 02-11-96 le
iscrizioni al partito radicale per il 1996 sono 3060 Ecco il dettaglio per Paese: Oggi
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Tesseramento
Members of the Radical Party (1996)
Members of the Radical Party (1996) On 11/02/96 the members of the Radical Party for 1996 were 3060 divided as follows:
Today Month 1996 1995 1994
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Tesseramento
3060 inscrits au 02-11-96
3060 inscrits au 02-11-96 INSCRIPTIONS AU PARTI RADICAL 1996 et comparaison avec les années précédentes Au 02-11-96
les inscriptions au PR 1996 sont 3060 Ci-dessous la distribution pays par pays: Aujourd'hui
   2 novembre 1996 - - di: Partito Radicale Tesseramento
3060 inscritos el 02-11-96
3060 inscritos el 02-11-96 INSCRIPCIONES AL PARTIDO RADICAL 1996 y comparación con los años precedentes El 02-11-96
los miembros del Partido Radical para 1996 son 3060 distribuidos como sigue por países:
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