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  154086 elementi trovati, pagina 4382 di 7705    prima prec. 4377 4378 4379 4380 4381 4382 4383 4384 4385 4386 4387 succ. ultima
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
U.N. Official Defends China on Tibet, Women Forum
U.N. Official Defends China on Tibet, Women Forum By Phyllis Fang HUAIROU, China, Aug 29 (Reuter) - A senior
U.N. official defended China's preparations for the world women's conference Tuesday, saying criticism was unjustified
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
Amnesty International holds first protest in China
Amnesty International holds first protest in China (Updates with details on spotlighted victims) By Andrew
Browne HUAIROU, China, Aug 31 (Reuter) - Amnesty International held a daring demonstration on Thursday outside a
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
Women's Forum In China Opens Amid Disputes
Women's Forum In China Opens Amid Disputes By Steven Mufson Washington Post Foreign Service BEIJING, Aug. 31 --
As a torch was passed from hand to hand and a performer sang a song called "Keep on Moving Forward," more than 15,000
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
Making Human Rights and Democracy A Reality for Women. A report by The
Making Human Rights and Democracy A Reality for Women. A report by The Green (party)- German From: World Tibet Network
News, Friday, September 1, 1995 [This report makes frequent reference to Tibet. It also contains a separate
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
Women's rally tests limits of protest
Women's rally tests limits of protest The Times - London 31 August 1995 AN INTERNATIONAL women's forum officially
began in China last night without incident. although there were signs that all will not go as smoothly in future. These
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
Tibetans Condemn the Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of So-called
Tibetans Condemn the Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of So-called Tibet Autonomous Region Immediate Release August
31, 1995 From: World Tibet Network News, Friday, September 1, 1995 Tibetans in and outside Tibet strongly condemn
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
Chinese crack down on Tibet (UPI)
Chinese crack down on Tibet (UPI) By Ruth Youngblood BEIJING, Aug. 31 (UPI) -- Chinese troops resorted to harsh
measures to prevent hostile Tibetans and delegates to the U.N. World Conference on Women from attending Friday's
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
China celebrates 30 years formal rule over Tibet
China celebrates 30 years formal rule over Tibet By Jane Macartney BEIJING, Sept 1 (Reuter) - China congratulated
itself on the 30th anniversary of formal rule over the rebellious region of Tibet on Friday and issued a new blistering
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
Women-Tibet By Charles Hutzler Associated Press Writer HUAIROU, China, Sep 1 (AP) -- Ten Tibetan women attending an
international women's conference staged a silent protest today against Chinese rule in their homeland. The
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
Forum Features Dissident Videos; Burmese Nobel ...
Forum Features Dissident Videos; Burmese Nobel ... By Steven Mufson Washington Post Foreign Service BEIJING, Aug.
31 -- It was a double-feature video day at the Nongovernmental Organizations Forum on Women -- but not the sort of
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
Press Statement of the Tibetan Women's Delegation - Huairou
Press Statement of the Tibetan Women's Delegation - Huairou STATEMENT OF THE TIBETAN WOMEN'S DELEGATION FOURTH WORLD
CONFERENCE ON WOMEN, NGO FORUM 95 HUAIROU, CHINA - SEPTEMBER 2, 1995 Tashi Delek We are nine Tibetan women living in
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
Forum Gives China 24 Hours to End Surveillance
Forum Gives China 24 Hours to End Surveillance HUAIROU, China - Sept 2 (Reuter) - An international grassroots women's
forum Saturday gave China a 24-hour ultimatum to end surveillance and harassment of participants or it would consider
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
Press Release from International Campaign for Tibet
Press Release from International Campaign for Tibet For immediate release September 1,1995 Contact: John Ackerly
Bhuchung Tsering 202-785-1515 From: World Tibet Network News, Saturday, September 2, 1995 Monks Refuse to
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
Across the roof of the world. To get an education in their own languag
Across the roof of the world. To get an education in their own language and culture - and not Chinese - Tibetan children
are often smuggled into India By Susanne Goldenberg The Guardian 29 August 1995 HIS MOTHER shook him awake, handed him
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
U.S. says security threatens China women's meeting
U.S. says security threatens China women's meeting By Jeffrey Parker BEIJING, Sep 2 (Reuter) - Intrusive Chinese
security, including surveillance and restrictions on free speech, is threatening the world women's conference and must be
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
Tibet exiles slam China for torture, sabotage
Tibet exiles slam China for torture, sabotage By Mure Dickie HUAIROU, China, Sep 2 (Reuter) - Exiled Tibetan
women accused Beijing Saturday of genocide and forced abortion in their Himalayan homeland and told a grassroots forum
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
U.S. official warns Beijing on women's conference
U.S. official warns Beijing on women's conference By Benjamin Kang Lim HUAIROU, China, Sept 2 (Reuter) - A senior
U.S. official warned on Saturday that heavy-handed Chinese security threatened the United Nations Fourth World Conference
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
Hillary Clinton urged to speak out for Chinese & Tibetan Women
Hillary Clinton urged to speak out for Chinese & Tibetan Women BEIJING, Sept. 2 (UPI) -- A human rights group called
Saturday on First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton to speak out against Beijing's treatment of Chinese and Tibetan women and
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
Tibetans, exiles clash at global women's forum
Tibetans, exiles clash at global women's forum By Mure Dickie BEIJING, Sept 2 (Reuter) - Nine Tibetan women
exiles clashed at a grassroots workshop with Chinese-sponsored Tibetan delegates, who shouted over the discussion and
   4 settembre 1995 - - di: Sisani Marina
Tibetans protest anniversary
Tibetans protest anniversary NEW DELHI, Sept. 1 (UPI) -- Thousands of Tibetan refugees Friday demonstrated in the
northern Indian city of Shimla to protest China's observance of the 30th anniversary of the annexation of Tibet, the
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