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Notizie Radicali, il giornale telematico di Radicali Italiani
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i testi dal 1955 al 1998

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   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/9 Member Name E83r009 26 May 1983 International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations
Development Decade The Economic and Social Council, Recalling that the Declaration on Social Progress and Development,
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/10 Member Name E83r010 26 May 1983 Social aspects of rural development The Economic and Social
Council, Recalling the Declaration on Social Progress and Development, contained in General Assembly resolution 2542
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/11 Member Name E83r011 26 May 1983 Interrelationship of social and economic development policies The
Economic and Social Council, Considering paragraph 42 of the International Development Strategy for the Third United
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/12 Member Name E83r012 26 May 1983 Social policy and the distribution of national income The Economic
and Social Council, Recalling its resolutions 1086 D (XXXIX) of 30 July 1965, 1322 (XLIV) of 31 May 1968, 2074 (LXII) of
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/13 Member Name E83r013 26 May 1983 Unified approach to development analysis and planning in the field
of social integration through popular participation The Economic and Social Council, Mindful of the pledge of Member
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/14 Member Name E83r014 26 May 1983 Youth in the contemporary world The Economic and Social Council,
Noting with great interest the importance attached by the General Assembly and other United Nations bodies to the
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/15 Member Name E83r015 26 May 1983 National experience in promoting the co-operative movement The
Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly resolutions 2459 (XXIII) of 20 December 1968, 3273 (XXIX) of 10
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/16 Member Name E83r016 26 May 1983 Welfare of migrant workers and their families The Economic and
Social Council, Recalling its resolutions 1926 (LVII) of 6 May 1975, 1979/12 of 9 May 1979 and 1981/21 of 6 May 1981,
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/17 Member Name E83r017 26 May 1983 Youth participation in social and economic development and their
exercise of the rights to life, employment and education The Economic and Social Council, Drawing attention to the
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/18 Member Name E83r018 26 May 1983 Adverse effects of the arms race on social progress and development
The Economic and Social Council, Having considered the 1982 Report on the World Social Situation, as well as the report
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/19 Member Name E83r019 26 May 1983 Decade of Disabled Persons The Economic and Social Council, Taking
into consideration General Assembly resolutions 37/52 of 3 December 1982, by which the Assembly adopted the World
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/20 Member Name E83r020 26 May 1983 Exchange of information on the activities of the Centre for Social
Development and Humanitarian Affairs between the Commission for Social Development and the Commission on the Status of
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/21 Member Name E83r021 26 May 1983 Aging The Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly
resolution 37/51 of 3 December 1982 by which the General Assembly endorsed the Vienna International Plan of Action on
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/22 Member Name E83r022 26 May 1983 Interregional consultation on developmental social welfare policies
and programmes The Economic and Social Council, Recalling its resolutions 1979/18 of 9 May 1979 and 1981/20 of 6 May
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/23 Member Name E83r023 26 May 1983 Role of the family in the development process The Economic and
Social Council, Recalling General Assembly resolutions 33/48 of 14 December 1978 on world social development, 34/59 of
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/24 Member Name E83r024 26 May 1983 Arbitrary or summary executions The Economic and Social Council,
Recalling General Assembly resolutions 35/172 of 15 December 1980, in which the Secretary-General was requested to report
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/25 Member Name E83r025 26 May 1983 Functions and long-term programme of work of the Committee on Crime
Prevention and Control The Economic and Social Council, Recalling its resolution 1584 (L) of 21 May 1971 on criminality
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/26 Member Name E83r026 26 May 1983 Co-ordination and information in the field of youth The Economic
and Social Council, Recalling its resolutions 1979/27 of 9 May 1979, 1980/25 of 2 May 1980, 1981/25 of 6 May 1981 and
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/27 Member Name E83r027 26 May 1983 Communications concerning the status of women The Economic and
Social Council, Recalling its resolutions 76 (V) of 5 August 1947 and 304 (XI) of 14 and 17 July 1950, which continue to
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/28 Member Name E83r028 26 May 1983 Participation of non-governmental organizations in the preparations
for the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women The Economic and
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