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   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/106 Resolution A36r106 10 December 1981 Draft Code of Offences against the Peace and Security of Mankind
The General Assembly, Mindful of Article 13, paragraph 1 (a), of the Charter of the United Nations, which provides that
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/107 Resolution A36r107 10 December 1981 Progressive development of the principles and norms of
international law relating to the new international economic order The General Assembly, Bearing in mind that, in
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/108 Resolution A36r108 10 December 1981 United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study,
Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law The General Assembly, Noting with appreciation the report of
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/109 Resolution A36r109 10 December 1981 Measures to prevent international terrorism which endangers or
takes innocent human lives or jeopardizes fundamental freedoms, and study of the underlying causes of the forms of
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/110 Resolution A36r110 10 December 1981 Peaceful settlement of disputes between States The General
Assembly, Having examined the item entitled "Peaceful settlement of disputes between States", Deeply concerned about the
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/111 Resolution A36r111 10 December 1981 Consideration of the draft articles on most-favoured-nation
clauses The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 33/139 of 19 December 1978 relating to the report of the
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/112 Resolution A36r112 10 December 1981 Review of the multilateral treaty-making process The General
Assembly, Bearing in mind that multilateral treaties are an important primary source of international law, Conscious,
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/113 Resolution A36r113 10 December 1981 International Conference of Plenipotentiaries on Succession of
States in respect of State Property, Archives and Debts The General Assembly, Having considered chapter II of the
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/114 Resolution A36r114 10 December 1981 Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its
thirty-third session The General Assembly, Having considered the report of the International Law Commission on the work
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/115 Resolution A36r115 10 December 1981 Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country The
General Assembly, Having considered the report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country, Recalling Article
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/116 Resolution A36r116 10 December 1981 Financial emergency of the United Nations A The General
Assembly, Recalling the consensus of the Special Committee on Peace-keeping Operations adopted by the General Assembly
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/117 Resolution A36r117 10 December 1981 Pattern of conferences A Future work of the Committee on
Conferences The General Assembly I 1. Takes note with appreciation of the report of the Committee on Conferences and
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/118 Resolution A36r118 10 December 1981 Report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board A The
General Assembly, Having considered the report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board to the General Assembly
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/119 Resolution A36r119 10 December 1981 Investments of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund A
The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 34/222 of 20 December l979 and 35/216 of 17 December 1980, 1. Takes
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/120 Resolution A36r120 10 December 1981 Question of Palestine A The General Assembly, Recalling its
resolutions 3376 (XXX) of 10 November 1975, 31/20 of 24 November 1976, 32/40 A and B of 2 December 1977, 33/28 A to C of
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/121 Resolution A36r121 10 December 1981 Question of Namibia A Situation in Namibia resulting from the
illegal occupation of the Territory by South Africa The General Assembly, Having examined the report of the United
   9 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/78 Resolution A36r078 9 December 1981 United Nations Conference for the Promotion of International
Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 33/4 of 2 November
   9 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/79 Resolution A36r079 9 December 1981 Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea The General
Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 3067 (XXVIII) of 16 November 1973, 3334 (XXIX) of 17 December 1974, 3483 (XXX) of 12
   9 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/80 Resolution A36r080 9 December 1981 Co-operation between the United Nations and the Organization of
African Unity The General Assembly, Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on co-operation between the
   9 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/81 Resolution A36r081 9 December 1981 Second special session of the General Assembly devoted to
disarmament A Preparations for the second special session The General Assembly, Recalling section III of its
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