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   14 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/128 Resolution A36r128 14 December 1981 International Research and Training Institute for the
Advancement of Women The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 31/135 of 16 December 1976, in which it approved
   14 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/129 Resolution A36r129 14 December 1981 Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women The
General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 3520 (XXX) of 15 December 1975, whereby it proclaimed the period from 1976 to
   14 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/130 Resolution A36r130 14 December 1981 United Nations Decade for Women: equal rights to work The
General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 34/155 of 17 December 1979, in which it called upon Governments to take steps
   14 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/131 Resolution A36r131 14 December 1981 Status of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women The General Assembly, Considering that one of the purposes of the United Nations, as
   14 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/132 Resolution A36r132 14 December 1981 International campaign against traffic in drugs The General
Assembly, Recalling the relevant provisions of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, as amended by the 1972
   14 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/133 Resolution A36r133 14 December 1981 Alternative approaches and ways and means within the United
Nations system for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms The General Assembly,
   14 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/134 Resolution A36r134 14 December 1981 National institutions for the promotion and protection of human
rights The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 32/123 of 16 December 1977, 33/46 of 14 December 1978 and 34/49
   14 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/135 Resolution A36r135 14 December 1981 Alternative approaches and ways and means in the United Nations
system for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms The General Assembly, Recalling
   14 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/136 Resolution A36r136 14 December 1981 New international humanitarian order The General Assembly,
Noting with interest the proposal for the promotion of a new international humanitarian order, Recognizing the
   11 dicembre 1981 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 494 (1981)
RESOLUTION 494 (1981) RESOLUTION S81R494 S/RES/494 (1981) 11 December 1981 Adopted by the Security
Council at its 2312th meeting on 11 December 1981 The Security Council, Having
   11 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/122 Resolution A36r122 11 December 1981 Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United
Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization The General Assembly, Reaffirming its support for the
   11 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/123 Resolution A36r123 11 December 1981 Updating of the Repertoire of the Practice of the Security
Council and the Repertory of Practice of United Nations Organs The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 602 (VI)
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/105 Resolution A36r105 10 December 1981 Question of the Comorian Island of Mayotte The General
Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, containing the Declaration on the Granting of
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/106 Resolution A36r106 10 December 1981 Draft Code of Offences against the Peace and Security of Mankind
The General Assembly, Mindful of Article 13, paragraph 1 (a), of the Charter of the United Nations, which provides that
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/107 Resolution A36r107 10 December 1981 Progressive development of the principles and norms of
international law relating to the new international economic order The General Assembly, Bearing in mind that, in
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/108 Resolution A36r108 10 December 1981 United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study,
Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law The General Assembly, Noting with appreciation the report of
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/109 Resolution A36r109 10 December 1981 Measures to prevent international terrorism which endangers or
takes innocent human lives or jeopardizes fundamental freedoms, and study of the underlying causes of the forms of
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/110 Resolution A36r110 10 December 1981 Peaceful settlement of disputes between States The General
Assembly, Having examined the item entitled "Peaceful settlement of disputes between States", Deeply concerned about the
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/111 Resolution A36r111 10 December 1981 Consideration of the draft articles on most-favoured-nation
clauses The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 33/139 of 19 December 1978 relating to the report of the
   10 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/112 Resolution A36r112 10 December 1981 Review of the multilateral treaty-making process The General
Assembly, Bearing in mind that multilateral treaties are an important primary source of international law, Conscious,
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