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17 novembre 1982
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION A37R017 RESOLUTION A37R017 A/RES/37/17 16 November 1982 Co-operation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States The General Assembly, Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on co-operation between the United Nations |
15 novembre 1982
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION A37R010 RESOLUTION A37R010 A/RES/37/10 15 November 1982 Peaceful settlement of disputes between States The General Assembly, Having examined the item entitled "Peaceful settlement of disputes between States", Recalling its resolutions 34/102 |
19 settembre 1982
- - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
• RESOLUTION 521 (1982) RESOLUTION 521 (1982) RESOLUTION S82R521 S/RES/521 (1982) 19 September 1982 Adopted by the Security Council at its 2396th meeting held on 19 September 1982 The Security Council, Appalled at the massacre of Palestinian civilians |
29 luglio 1982
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1982/53 RESOLUTION 1982/53 Member Name E82r053 50th plenary meeting 29 July 1982 Report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme The Economic and Social Council, Reaffirming the importance of technical co-operation in |
7 maggio 1982
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1982/39 RESOLUTION 1982/39 Member Name E82r039 28th plenary meeting 7 May 1982 Protection of the rights of children and parents in cases of removal or retention of children The Economic and Social Council, Bearing in mind the Declaration of the |
6 maggio 1982
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1982/33 RESOLUTION 1982/33 Member Name E82r033 27th plenary meeting 6 May 1982 Review of the composition, organization and administrative arrangements of the Sessional Working Group (of Governmental Experts) on the Implementation of the |
27 aprile 1982
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1982/4 RESOLUTION 1982/4 Member Name E82r004 27 April 1982 Assistance to refugees in Somalia The Economic and Social Council, Recalling its resolution 1981/31 of 6 May 1981 and General Assembly resolution 36/153 of 16 December 1981, on the |
10 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/110 RESOLUTION 36/110 Resolution A36r110 10 December 1981 Peaceful settlement of disputes between States The General Assembly, Having examined the item entitled "Peaceful settlement of disputes between States", Deeply concerned about the |
10 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/113 RESOLUTION 36/113 Resolution A36r113 10 December 1981 International Conference of Plenipotentiaries on Succession of States in respect of State Property, Archives and Debts The General Assembly, Having considered chapter II of the |
9 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/95 RESOLUTION 36/95 Resolution A36r095 9 December 1981 Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons The General Assembly, Bearing in mind the |
9 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/103 RESOLUTION 36/103 Resolution A36r103 9 December 1981 Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention and Interference in the Internal Affairs of States The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 2734 (XXV) of 16 December |
11 novembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/26 RESOLUTION 36/26 Resolution A36r026 11 November 1981 53rd plenary meeting Admission of Antigua and Barbuda to membership in the United Nations The General Assembly, Having received the recommendation of the Security Council of 10 |
10 novembre 1981
- - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
• RESOLUTION 492 (1981) RESOLUTION 492 (1981) RESOLUTION S81R492 S/RES/492 (1981) 10 November 1981 Adopted by the Security Council at its 2309th meeting on 10 November 1981 The Security Council, Having |
9 novembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/24 RESOLUTION 36/24 Resolution A36r024 9 November 1981 49th plenary meeting Co-operation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 477 (V) of 1 November 1950, in which it |
27 ottobre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/7 RESOLUTION 36/7 Resolution A36r007 27 October 1981 41st plenary meeting Historical responsibility of States for the preservation of nature for present and future generations The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 35/8 of 30 |
25 settembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/3 RESOLUTION 36/3 Resolution A36r003 25 September 1981 13th plenary meeting Admission of Belize to membership in the United Nations The General Assembly, Having received the recommendation of the Security Council of 23 September 1981 |
23 settembre 1981
- - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
• RESOLUTION 491 (1981) RESOLUTION 491 (1981) RESOLUTION S81R491 S/RES/491 (1981) 23 September 1981 Adopted by the Security Council at its 2302nd meeting on 23 September 1981 The Security Council, Having |
15 settembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/1 RESOLUTION 36/1 Resolution A36r001 15 September 1981 1st plenary meeting Admission of the Republic of Vanuatu to membership in the United Nations The General Assembly, Having received the recommendation of the Security Council of 8 |
8 luglio 1981
- - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
• RESOLUTION 489 (1981) RESOLUTION 489 (1981) RESOLUTION S81R489 S/RES/489 (1981) 8 July 1981 Adopted by the Security Council at its 2291st meeting on 8 July 1981 The Security Council, Having examined the application of the Republic of |
30 luglio 1980
- - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
• RESOLUTION 477 (1980) RESOLUTION 477 (1980) RESOLUTION S80R477 S/RES/477 (1980) 30 July 1980 Adopted by the Security Council at its 2244th meeting on 30 July 1980 The Security Council, Having examined the application of Zimbabwe for |
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