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Van den Brink Mathilde, Aglietta Adelaide - 15 febbraio 1990
Violation of un refugee Convention by the European Commission in formulating common visa-policy

Oral question by Mrs van den BRINK, Mr WOLTJER, Mrs OOMEN-RUIJTEN, Mr van VELZEN, Mr FALCONER, Mr van OUTRIVE, Mr JANSSEN van RAAY, Mr CRAVINHO, Mr GLINNE, Mrs ROTH, Mr SMITH, Mrs READ, Mrs AGLIETTA and Mrs van PUTTEN to the Commission of the European Communities.

European Parliament 15 february 1990

Can the Commission list the 59 countries, decided by the Group of Coordinators which was set up at the initiative of the European Council in Rhodes and which looks into the remaining obstacles to the lifting of the internal Community frontiers, whose nationals require entry visas for any of the 12 Member States as of the beginning of 1990; and is the Commission aware that by excluding the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees from discussions within this Group of Coordinators when refugee matters are discussed constitutes a violation of Art. 229 of the Treaty of Rome and Art. 35 of the 1951 Un Convention rlating to the Status of Refugees as well as Art. II of the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees?

Argomenti correlati:
parlamento europeo
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