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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Tibet
Pobbiati Paolo - 13 maggio 1995
Documento A.I.

amnesty international


Christians arrested during Easter

and others serving sentences

12 May 1995 AI INDEX: ASA 17/26/95


Over 20 Roman Catholics and Protestants are reported to be in detention after a large

number of arrests were made during Easter celebrations in April 1995. Those arrested

belong to religious groups who peacefully carry out their religious activities outside the

officially recognized Catholic Patriotic Association (CPA) and Three-Self Patriotic


Amnesty International is concerned that the people named in this document are prisoners

of conscience and urges the Chinese government to release them immediately and


Jiangxi province

Between 30 and 40 Roman Catholic believers were separately arrested on 13, 14, 18, 19,

25 and 26 April 1995 by police officers from Linchuan city, Jiangxi province. Many were

released shortly after arrest, but 17 people are believed to remain in detention.

Those still detained are reported to be held in several places including detention centres in

Chongren county, Yihuang county and Linchuan city in Jiangxi province. They are

Cui Maozai male, age 42, arrested April 26

Gao Jianxiou female, age 46,

Gao Shuyun female, age 45, detained in Chongren town

Huang Guanghua female, age 43, detained in Linchuan town

Huang Meiyu female, age 40

Lu Huiying female, age 51

Pan Kunming male, age 30

Rao Yanping female, age 18

You Xianyu female, age 42

Wang Yuqin a nun, age 23, arrested April 25

Wu Yinghua female, age 30

Wu Jiehong female, age 46

Yu Shuizai male, age 50, arrested April 26

Zeng Yinzai female, age 60, arrested April 25

Zhang Wenlin male, age 60, is reported to be blind

Zhu Changshun male, age 40, arrested April 13

Zhu Lianrong male, age 49

According to reports many of the detainees were beaten by police officers during their

arrests and two women detainees, Gao Shuyun and Huang Guanghua were so badly

beaten that they now need help to eat.

Hebei province

On 17 April 1995 an unofficial Roman Catholic priest, Chi Huitian was arrested by police

officers from Shuangjingcun, Ningjin county, Hebei province. Chi Huitian had been

preparing to celebrate Easter mass for a large congregation in an open field near his home.

According to sources, Chi Huitian was told by the police to cancel the planned mass and,

in future, to take his instructions from the Catholic Patriotic Association diocesan bishop.

He was also told that his congregation must attend the Easter Mass being held in the local

CPA church and that they should permanently transfer there to worship.

Chi Huitian and his congregation allegedly refused to accept the instructions from the

police and were threatened with having fines levied against them if they attended the

unofficial Easter mass. In addition, Chi Huitian was told that his house would be sealed and

sacred altar items confiscated if he and the congregation did not comply. Despite these

threats, Chi Huitian reportedly went ahead with his Easter Mass and he was subsequently

taken away by police officers. It is not known where he is being detained.

Shanxi province

Three Protestant house-church leaders were arrested on 13 April 1995 at a house-church

meeting in Changzhi city, Shanxi province. According to reports, everyone present at the

meeting was arrested, most were subsequently released but six people remain in custody.

The six detainees are believed to be three local house-church leaders, who were not

named, and three non-locals who were named as Li Tianen, a housechurch leader, in his

late 60s from Shanghai; Chen Qunying, a surgeon from Hangzhou and Brother Shi. Li

Tianen has been arrested and detained on more than one previous occasion.

On 20 April 1995 Chen Qunying's home in Hangzhou was reported to have been searched.

It is understood that he suffers from diabetes and a heart condition and had recently taken

early retirement due to poor health. He only has a limited supply of medicine with him.

Qinghai province

Qin Guoliang and Li Zhixin, Roman Catholic priests from an unofficial church in Qinghai

province are reported to be serving two years of "reeducation through labour" at Duoba

Labour Camp outside Xining, Qinghai province. The majority of prisoners at Duoba

Labour Camp are reported to have to work at carrying rocks and blocks of ice.

Qin Guoliang, aged 60, was arrested in Xining on 3 November 1994 and is reported to be

in poor health due to the hard work he was made to do at the labour camp. Sources say

that since March 1995 he has been permitted to perform lighter duties and is now prison

treasurer. Reports also say that Qin Guoliang does not receive sufficient food and has a

swollen face. He spent 15 years from 1955 imprisoned for his religious activities outside

the official church. After serving his sentence he reportedly remained at the Xining No.4

Labour Camp as a "detained employee" producing bricks.

Li Zhixin was arrested on 29 March 1994. Before his arrest he was a worker at the Huafei

factory in Fujiahai, Xining city, Qinghai province.

Please send telegrams/telexes/express and airmail letters either in English, Chinese or your own


expressing concern that Cui Maozi, Gao Jinaxioiu, Gao Shuyun, Huang Guanghua, Huang Meiyu,

Lu Huiying, Pan Kunming, Rao Yanping, You Xianyu, Wang Yuqin, Wu Yinghua, Wu Jiehong, Yu

Shuizai, Zeng Yinzai, Zhang Wenlin, Zhu Changshun and Zhu Lianrong from Linchuan town,

Jiangxi province, are believed to be detained for peacefully exercising their right to freedom of

religion and urge that they be immediately and unconditionally released;

express concern that Gao Shuyun, Huang Guanghua and others were reportedly beaten during

arrest and urge the Chinese authorities to investigate these allegations and bring any perpetrators

to justice;

Director of the Jiangxi province Justice Department

Fan Youxian, Tingzhang


50 Beijingxilu, Nanchangshi


People's Republic of China Faxes: +86791 222 847

Telegram: Director of the Provincial Justice

Department Fan Youxian, Nanchang, Jiangxi,


expressing concern that Chi Huitian from Ningjin town, Hebei province is believed to be detained

for peacefully exercising his right to freedom of religion and urge that he be immediately and

unconditionally released;

Director of the Hebei province Justice Department

Zhang Chunfu, Tingzhang


3 Shiyilu, Shijiazhuangshi 050051


People's Republic of China Faxes: + 86 311 26615

Telegram: Director of the Provincial

Department of Justice Zhang Chunfu,

Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China expressing concern that six Protestants, including Li Tianen, Chen Qunying and Brother Shi are

believed to have been detained after a house-church meeting in Changzhi city, Shanxi province,

for peacefully exercising their right to freedom of religion and urge that they be immediately and

unconditionally released;

also expressing concern that Chen Qunying is reported to suffer from diabetes and a heart

condition for which he only has limited medical supplies;

Director Shanxi province Justice Department

Wang Xiwen, Tingzhang



Taiyuanshi 030001


People's Republic of China

Telegrams: Director of the Provincial

Department of Justice, Taiyuan, Shanxi

province, China

expressing concern that Qin Guoliang and Li Zhixin have been sentenced without charge or trial

to periods of "reeducation through labour" which they are now serving in Qinghai province for

peacefully exercising their right to freedom of religion and urge that they be immediately and

unconditionally released;

Director of Qinghai province Justice Department

Zhaxi Nima, Tingzhang


151 Nandajie

Xiningshi 810000


People's Republic of China

Telegram: Director of the Provincial

Department of Justice Zhaxi Nima, Xining,

Qinghai Province, China

This document is sent to China and CHIRAN coordinators for action by groups. It is sent

to Sections for information only. Check with the East Asia Sub-Regional Team if sending

appeals after 15 June 1995. Number of words: 1292


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