monitored by: BBCSWB 27 May 1995
Source: Xinhua news agency domestic service, Beijing, in
Chinese 1321 gmt 24 May 1995
Text of report by reporter Yang Zhen (1135 3791)
Lhasa, 24th Mat: The 11-day third meeting of the Sixth Tibet
Regional Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative
Conference (CPPCC] ended today after adopting a statement condemning the Dalai Lama and electing an additional vice-chairman.
Paghalha Geleg Namgyai, vice-chairman of the National People's
Congress [NPC] Standing Committee and chairman of the Tibetan Regional CPPCC Committee, spoke at the closing ceremony. He expressed the belief that with the concern and support of the
party Central Committee, under the leadership of the regional
party committee and government, and with joint efforts, Buddhist
circles and the broad masses of people in Tibet can definitely
remove the Dalai clique's interference and accomplish at an early
date the grand Buddhist event of the reincarnation of 10th Master
The meeting elected Yang Youcai (Tibetan) as vice-chairman of the
regional CPPCC committee.