Monitored by: BBC SWB 27 May 1995
Source: Xinhua news agency domestic service, Beijing, in
Chinese 1525 gait 25 May 95
Text of report by Xinhua news agency
Lhasa, 25th May: Resolution of the third session of the Sixth
Tibet Autonomous Region People's Congress on Dalai Lama's unlawful
act of arbitrarily proclaiming Panchen's reincarnation
(adopted toy the third session of the Sixth Tibet Autonomous
Region People's Congress on 25th May 1995)
For the sake of safeguarding the motherland's unification,
opposing separation and safeguarding the gratifying situation
characterized by Tibet's social stability, harmony and unity, the
following resolution has been adopted in connection with the Dalai
Lama's unlawful act of arbitrarily proclaiming Panchen 's
1. With regard to the issue about the reincarnation of Living
Buddhas in Tibetan Buddhism, it has been known to all that, ever
since the system of "drawing lots from a golden vessel"
promulgated by the central government of the Qing dynasty in 1792,
several reincarnations of Dalai and Panchen Lamas are to be found
according to religious rites and procedures. Then, with the
approval of the central government, a "lot-drawing from a golden
vessel" is to be held among the potential children in front of
Sakyamuni's statue, and the one selected should finally be
forwarded to the central government for official approval. This
has been a historical convention as well as an established system.
After the 10th Panchen Lama died, the Party Central Committee and
the State Council showed great concern for and attached importance
to the issue of finding his reincarnation, and promptly came up
with the decision concerning 'the search and confirmation of the
reincarnation and the referral of it to the State Council for
approval". Over the past six years or so, the reincarnation search
group formed by people within Tibet's Buddhist circles
has accomplished a great deal of work and made important headway
in this regard according to religious rites and procedures.
However, just when the search is set to reach its final
confirmation stage according to procedures and religious rites
as well as historical convention, the Dalai Lama disregarded the
established historical system, disrupted the religious rites, went
against the will of people of all nationalities and the vast
number of believers, monks and nuns in Tibet, and suddenly and
arbitrarily proclaimed in India on 14th May 1995 that a boy in
Tibet was "Panchen's reincarnation". This announcement is totally
unlawful and invalid. People of all nationalities and the vast
number of religious believers, monks and nuns in Tibet are greatly
indignant over the announcement and firmly object to it.
2. Since his desertion from Tibet several decades ago, the
Dalai Lama, the ringleader of the separatist clique, has long been
engaged in confronting the central government and in splitting the
motherland and sabotaging national solidarity. After suffering
defeat in a series of political ventures to divide the motherland,
he now again uses the issue of the Panchen Lama's reincarnation to
launch his separatist activities, trying to cheat certain people
who do not understand the historical convention. religious rites
and the truth, and upset the normal process of finding the Panchen
Lama's reincarnation in a vain attempt to achieve his sinful
objective of splitting the motherland, obstructing Tibet's
economic development, creating unrest in Tibet. and undermining
our region's social stability, harmony and unity. The interference
and sabotage he has long conspired in have once again exposed the
reactionary nature of the Dalai Lama's separatist clique.
3. We firmly believe that, with the solicitude shown by the
Party Central Committee and the State Council. the guidance of the
regional party committee, and the support of people of all
nationalities in Tibet, the search for and confirmation of the
10th Panchen Lama's reincarnation certainly can be successfully
accomplished without interference according to the State Council's
decision, as well as religious rites and procedures and the
established historical system.
The session exhorts the vast number of people throughout Tibet to
recognize the Dalai clique's reactionary nature, to expose the
Dalai Lama's conspiracies, to firmly maintain a high degree of
unity with the Party Central Committee and the State 'Council, to
be firm, to take a clear-cut stand in fighting the Dalai clique's
unlawful disruption of the search for the 10th Panchen Lama's
reincarnation, to work with one heart and one mind, to safeguard
the central government's authority, to earnestly implement the
guidelines laid down by the Third Central Forum on Tibetan
Affairs, to ensure Tibet's stability and development, and to
expedite social progress in all sectors in Tibet.