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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Tibet
Sisani Marina - 10 agosto 1995

From: World Tibet Network News, Saturday - August 5, 1995

Published by: The Canada-Tibet Committee

Forwarded by: M.Sisani@agora.stm.itm:

Press release

The Transnational Radical Party presents a statement on the violation of human rights in Tibet. Requested the creation of a peaceful resolution. Call for the release of the Panchem Lama. Announces a Worldwide Satyagraha for Freedom in Tibet.

New York - Geneva, July 30, 1995. The Transnational Radical Party submitted a Rights Statement on the question of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom at the session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities which will take place from July 31 on, in Geneva. The Transnational Radical Party was officially granted the NGO Consultative Status Category I from the ECOSOC Assembly in Geneva. The submission of this statement is the first step in its capacity.

The statement asserts the support of the Transnational Radical Party for the Tibetan people, conducted with respect for the principles of nonviolence and the Party's support for the resolution on Tibet of the European Parliament following the initiative of Transnational Radical Party's Parliamentarians.

The statement again denounces the countries wihch, having ratified the United Nations Conventions on Human Rights, still fail to implement them and it urges the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Human Rights to pay serious attention to the Tibetan question by placing it on its agenda for discussion.

In its effort to create the premises for a peaceful resolution, The Transnational Radical Party supports any efforts on the part of both the Chinese Government and the Tibetan Government-in-exile to open a dialogue that, through mutual consensus, would bring an end to the violations of human rights in Tibet and restore to the Tibetan people to determine their future. It also proposes an international "massive Satyagraha" for peace and democracy in Tibet and in China following the guidelines already introduced by the Dalai Lama Himself.

The Transnational Radical Party concludes by restating its support to Parliamentarians all over the world to urge the Chinese Government to stop at once its current policies and violations of the Human and Civil Rights toward the people of Tibet.

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