August 23rd, 1995
The Council of the Saami Parliament adopted the following resolution
The Saami Parliament most strongly condemns China's recent nuclear testing in East Turkestan. This action endangers the entire process surrounding an extensive international moratorium on nuclear testing.
China is implementing its test program and its nuclear production in occupied territories in East Turkestan and Tibet, respectively. Not only does this policy display contempt for other peoples and nations, it can only be taken as pure nuclear imperialism. Through occupation, China has usurped other people's countries and territories in an unacceptable manner, transforming them into a macabre playground for the weaponry of mass extinction. The Saami Parliament finds it unacceptable for any State to expose peoples and territories to the type of terrorist action constituted by nuclear testing.
The Saami Parliament would, on behalf of the Saami people and in solidarity with the populations of East Turkestan and Tibet, therefore express its contempt for the crimes against humanity and the environment committed by China through its nuclear weapons program in general and the recent nuclear tests in particular. The leaders of China clearly have much to learn from the spiritual leader of Tibet, H H the Dalai Lama, who in his five-point Peace Plan calls for the Declaration of Tibet as a nuclear-free zone.
(The Councio of Saami Parliament = Meeting of 21st-22nd Augsut 1995)