From: World Tibet Network News, Friday, September 1, 1995
[This report makes frequent reference to Tibet. It also contains a separate chapter HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS IN TIBET. The chapters on China and Tibet in the report have been translated into Chinese as a leaflet for distribution in China durng the Women's conference in Beijing. Below is the chapter on Tibet.]
Tibet has been illegally occupied by China since 1949, with harsher repressive measures after the uprising in 1959. Since the beginning of the occupation 1.2 million Tibetan men and women have died as a consequence of basic human rights violations. Tibetan autonomy exits only on paper, both religion and language are suppressed, and compulsory displacement by Chinese settlers, imprisonment and forced labour with torture are on the daily agenda. Human rights violations against women In Tibet both men and women suffer from the Chinese policy of repression. However, women are particularly affected, not only as political prisoners, but also in their sexual and reproductive rights. Women as political prisoners Amnesty International estimates that about one third of all political prisoners in Tibet are the moment are women, the majority of whom are Tibetan nuns who were arrested as a result of their participation in peaceful demonstrations. Most of them were sentenced to "Re-education through labour", and many wer
e ill-treated or even raped. A Forcible birth control policy In Tibet China is enforcing, through forcible birth control and compulsory re-settlement, a policy which the human rights organisation "teere des femmes" describes as an attempt to impose a "demographic final solution". The Chinese single-child-policy is currently being imposed with open force through compulsory abortions, sterilisations and infant murder. As in China, a child may only be conceived if an application to do so has been approved. To this end a rigid quota system is adhered to which allows only a certain number of births per district. In cases of contravention of this regulation, according to one report, pregnant female relatives may be forced to have abortion.