Source: World Tibet Network News, Friday, September 8, 1995
Tibet is spelled TIBET, Not China
I am very thankful to each of you for coming here today and standing up for Tibet's independence and speaking out against the oppressive actions of The People's Republic of China (PRC). I know that Labor Day weekend is an important family time here in the United States. I feel grateful that this Labor Day weekend, I am spending time with my family of Tibetans in America and strong supporters of Tibet's independence. Here in America, on Labor Day weekend, we celebrate democracy, equality, humane working conditions, and unlimited opportunities for growth and success. We are very fortunate to live in this country and celebrate this holiday. Citizens of other countries, especially Tibet, are not fortunate at all. Today, I want to share some observations and questions with you about the Tibet situation.
Forty-five years ago, The PRC began to take political, military, and economic control of Tibet. More concretely, the PRC began its illegal, brutal invasion of Tibet. Based on the unsubstantiated claim that Tibet was, at one time, part of China, the PRC argued that China needed to be "one big happy family again" and that Tibet needed to be part of this family. The PRC also claimed that the Tibetans needed to be liberated from the oppressive conditions of the Tibetan government and the Tibetan aristocracy. In reality, these claims were totally untrue. The truth is that the Chinese government wanted Tibet, in part, for strategic reasons so that it could have a border closer to its enemy, India. And, it also wanted Tibet because of the threat that Tibetan Buddhism posed to the atheistic philosophy of Mao. Now, we have come to understand that the PRC also wanted Tibet for its rich source of minerals, particularly uranium and wood, its' vast unused land for the transfer of the growing number of Chinese citizens, a
nd the PRC wanted Tibetans to be a subservient Asian race.
Yes, it is true that we Tibetans are a simple minded people and we like to be concrete and we like to state the obvious. However, we are not and will never be a subservient race. Since we are a simple minded and concrete people, I want to share some simple truths. This is an orange (hold up an orange). This is not a banana (hold up a banana). This is Tibet (hold up map of Tibet). The PRC tells us that this is Tibet (hold up revised map of Tibet). This is completely untrue. This is a Tibetan (hold up picture); in fact, a very special Tibetan, the 11th Panchen Lama. The PRC would like us to think this person is Chinese. The Panchen Lama is not and will never be Chinese. This is a Chinese individual (hold up picture of Harry Wu) who, thankfully, now happens to be free and an American citizen. The PRC tells us that the Panchen Rinpoche and Harry Wu look alike. You decide. But, I think this is also a total lie.
After dividing and incorporating large parts of Tibet into neighboring Chinese provinces, thirty years ago, China renamed the remaining area of Tibet as the "Tibet Autonomous Region" (Xizang) and the former Tibetan province of Amdo as Qinghai. We Tibetans will never accept the PRC's illegal occupation of Tibet, nor will we accept China's redefinition of Tibet's border. The PRC has renamed, split up, and incorporated parts of Tibet, but we know the boundaries of Tibet. We know the landscape of Tibet. And, we know what the Tibetan people look like. The PRC is trying to change our language, our speech patterns, our customs, our dress, our religious beliefs, and our political views. This will not alter the truth. We will never accept the illusion that China wants the world to believe. The blood and spirit of the Tibetan people cannot be changed. Tibet is still Tibet. Tibet will always be Tibet. And, Tibet will never be part of China.
We Tibetans will not go away. We will continue to fight until Tibet is, once again, independent. We will never believe the illusion and mythology that China is attempting to perpetuate. We will not be fooled. The truth cannot be twisted no matter how much suffering Tibetans endure. All of the PRC's torture, oppression, and social, economic, and political tactics can never change the reality that Tibet belongs to the Tibetans and not the Chinese people. Further, China's aggressive, violent, and inhumane policies and strategies will never overcome the wisdom and strength of non-violent actions based on justice and compassion. Ultimately, our non-violent philosophy and activities will prevail and eliminate the current dark forces in Tibet. There is no way to stop the powerful radiance of light. Light penetrates everything, eventually. And, light is necessary for everything in this universe. The infinite light of compassion and justice will set Tibet free and also free the Chinese people from the racist, oppress
ive, and dark forces of the current government in China. Guns cannot destroy us.
I call on all Tibetans everywhere to continue their battle with these dark forces. Non-violent action and thought is the only method to quiet such destruction and to liberate Tibet. Like the distinguished, Samdhong Losang Tenzin Rinpoche, I strongly endorse a non-violent, Satyagraha Movement or Truth Movement to liberate Tibet. And similar to Samdhong Rinpoche, I urge every Tibetan to pay attention to the small actions that can be taken each day for Tibet's independence. Utilize each and every opportunity to speak out and stand up against China's mistreatment of Tibet and China's vision for the future. For instance, stop buying and selling Chinese products. Stop doing business with the Chinese. Stop serving Chinese food in your restaurants. Resign from any position associated with the PRC. Do not cooperate with the PRC. Destroy all Chinese products you own. And, peacefully resist all PRC directives.
Slow down enough to create time and energy in your daily lives to educate the public about the atrocities occurring in Tibet and China, and the emerging potential disaster that could happen in the rest of the world if China is not stopped. We are each ultimately responsible for taking action to restore Tibet's independence. Don't be fooled by pursuing the comforts of daily life. Without a country, we have no home, and we can never be comfortable; no matter how much material wealth you accumulate. Right now, many of us do not view Tibet as an independent country. We are blinded by the obstacles and illusions in our midst. Yet, if we look more closely and more carefully, we will see that Tibet is independent once we collectively focus all our energy and effort to fulfill this vision.
His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, has time and again asked each Tibetan to take personal, deep responsibility for Tibet's future. Instead, many of us depend on His Holiness to solve our problem and we think that his actions are enough. He has stated repeatedly that he requires our help, including our honest and open opinions and recommendations. Since becoming a refugee, on many occasions, His Holiness has tried to teach us the correct path. Now, the time has arrived for us to not only see the path, but we must actively walk and live on the path. Each day every Tibetan must do something concrete to regain Tibet's independence. Again, we are all responsible for liberating Tibet.
Facts and our actions speak louder than the propaganda that the PRC wants us to believe. This propaganda will not break our spirit, or our deep motivation and commitment to regaining our country. I am proud to be a member of the Dalai clique and I hope you are as well. There is no evidence supporting or justifying China's presence in Tibet. The PRC is an international criminal and terrorist that must be treated as such.
Speaking of criminals, the PRC wants us to think that the six year old Panchen Lama is a criminal. Why else would they be holding this young boy, his family, and Chadrel Rinpoche and his associates? Supposedly, the PRC does not believe in religion, does not believe in the authority of The Dalai Lama over Tibet, does not believe Tibet exists, and does not believe in reincarnation. So, why is the PRC holding a six year old farm boy who has committed no crime? He is simply a Tibetan who happened to be born the Panchen Rinpoche. We demand that the PRC release the Panchen Lama and everyone else held in connection with the discovery of this important spiritual leader. The Panchen Lama must be allowed to live and be educated at his own monastery in Tibet, Tashilhunpo. And, the Panchen Lama must be able to visit Tibetans all around the world, particularly His Holiness, The Dalai Lama.
How can Harry Wu be convicted of spying and being a threat to China, and be sentenced to 15 years prison, and then be released to the United States? What deal was struck between the PRC and the western world? Think about how little time it took to secure Harry Wu's release; a so called terrorist by the PRC. Apparently, aggressive political, economic, and social pressure works. We must learn from the Harry Wu situation. Speak out loudly about the Panchen Rinpoche and fight for his independence.
There are some other issues that I strongly encourage you to speak up about. It appears that a summit is being organized for this coming October between the PRC and the U.S. Government. At this summit, China's trade, human rights, and nuclear proliferation policies and strategies will be discussed. In the next few weeks, we must actively demand that the U.S. Government stand firm on Tibet becoming independent of China. An independent Tibet must be a mandatory outcome of such a summit. We will not accept any other outcome. The process of securing and protecting Tibet's total independence can be negotiated, but independence for Tibet is non-negotiable.
In just a few days, His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, will be visiting the United States. I strongly urge each of you to warmly and actively support his visit. The opportunity has now arrived for us to take firm and concrete action to regain Tibet. Openly share with His Holiness your views, suggestions, wishes, and strategies. Let him know that you want an independent Tibet and nothing less. Again, His Holiness has frequently requested that you speak up and stand up. Why else would he ask that a referendum be held among Tibetans? Show His Holiness that Tibetans in America are not asleep and that they are aggressively working to secure Tibet's independence. His Holiness has been presented with an excellent opportunity to meet with members of the U.S. government and the American people. This is a critical visit for His Holiness and we must take personal, individual responsibility to contribute to the success of this visit. Let us help prepare the way for His Holiness to have successful dialogues while he is here i
n the USA. We want an independent Tibet and we can definitely help His Holiness secure such a commitment from President Clinton.
Today, the People's Republic of China is celebrating their 30th anniversary of illegally renaming parts of Tibet. Today, I am celebrating the soon to be independent Tibet. I am very glad that you are here to help me celebrate the soon to be independent Tibet. Again, I am deeply grateful for your efforts and your willingness to fight for Tibet's independence.
Thubten Jigme Norbu, Co-Director
International Tibet Independence Movement