News Service 184/95
AI INDEX: ASA 17/73/95 27 SEPTEMBER 1995
The Chinese authorities should immediately stop the execution of
Wang Jianye, a 42-year-old local government official charged with
alleged economic offences, Amnesty International said today.
"This is yet another example of how the death penalty is
increasingly being used as a tool to combat economic crime and
corruption," the organization said. "All possible steps should be
taken by the international community to ensure Wang Jianye does
not die."
Wang Jianye, a former director of the Finance and Trade
Division of the Shenzhen Municipal Planning Bureau in Guangdong
province, southern China, is facing imminent execution. His case
is currently being reviewed by the Supreme People's Court, the
last court of appeal.
The death sentence was passed on Wang Jianye after a trial
at the Shenzhen Intermediate Court which lasted less than 10
hours. His wife, who attended the hearing, said that her
husband's lawyer had no opportunity during the trial to present
arguments for Wang's defence. No witnesses were summoned to give
evidence and defence lawyers had only 10 days to examine 10
volumes of accusations compiled by the prosecution during an 18-
month investigation. Wang Jianye has been held incommunicado
since the rejection of his first appeal on 31 July 1995.
In a letter to Chinese Prime Minister Li Peng, Amnesty
International's Secretary-General, Pierre Sane', urged him to
"look into Wang Jianye's case so as to ensure that the death
sentence passed on him be commuted without delay and that his
case be reviewed through new fair trial proceedings, in
accordance with international standards."
Wang Jianye's wife, who has been allowed two supervised 30-
minute meetings with her husband since his detention, is adamant
that he has always denied the accusations against him and
believes that he is being made a scapegoat in an anti-corruption
campaign which was launched shortly before his detention.
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