From: World Tibet Network News, Tuesday, October 24, 1995
Press Release: Ms. Yiga Removed
Contact: Karma Chophel, Namkha Tenzin
New York, October 24, 1995: Even as the six Tibetan hunger strikers before the UN were ending their 11th day, the New York city paramedics removed one of them to Bellevue Hospital, against her will, saying she needed immediate medical attention. City medical and legal officers arrived at the 47th st. venue of the hunger strike late in the afternoon and said that Ms. Yiga, 26, a Tibetan from Minnesota, was critically ill, very hypotensive and that she cannot stand by herself.
"Ms. Yiga was saying she did not want to go even as she was being transported by ambulance to the hospital," said Mr. Tenzing Chhodak, a fellow Tibetan who was with her.
In accordance with the plan, another Tibetan, Ms. Tashi Wangmo, 38, from Boston has taken the place of Ms. Yiga as the sixth hunger striker. "The determination of the other hunger strikers continues to be strong," said Mr. Karma Chophel, president of the National Democratic Party of Tibet which had initiated the hunger strike.
"If the UN has any sense of decency left then it should have the courage to respond to our demands and tell us that it cannot accede to them on account of Chinese pressure, " Mr. Chophel added.