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Conferenza Tibet
Sisani Marina - 26 ottobre 1995
Hunger Strike Update: Day 12

From: Students for a Free Tibet

Source: World Tibet Network News, Wednesday, October 25, 1995

Today is the twelth day of the hunger strike. Other than Tashi Wangmo, who joined the hunger strike yesterday to replace Ms. Yiga, all five volunteers are very weak. Doctors who examined the demonstrators this morning reported that the health of Pema Dorjee was of some concern. Ms. Yiga remains at Bellevue hospital in stable condition. Her health appears to be improving. Ms. Yiga will not be re-joining the hunger strike, despite the fact that she herself would like to.

The spirit of all the hunger strikers remains strong. Karma Chophel and Namkha Tenzin reminded the hunger strikers that they could break the fast at any time. They were also reminded of the standing request from representatives of the Tibetan community to halt the hunger strike. The hunger strikers were unanimous in their refusal to break the fast without even a response from the United Nations.

Richard Gere paid a visit to the hunger strikers this afternoon to offer his support and sympathy, telling them to feel free to call on him any time for his assistance.

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