From: International Women's Tribune Centre, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, Tel: (1-212) 687-8633. Fax: (1-212) 661-2704. e-mail:
by Anne S. Walker
NEW YORK, October 25 1995, (IWTC) -- Just a couple of blocks from IWTC, directly opposite the United Nations, six Tibetans are on a hunger strike until death unless they get a response from the UN regarding a five-point char ter of demands. Although 11 days have passed since they began their strike on October 14, the Secretary General has not given any response whatsoever. There has been little media coverage. It appears that few are taking the hunger strike seriously. But the matter is becoming urgent as the hunger strikers' condition is fast deteriorating.
Here are the five points in the charter of demands.
1. The UN should recognize that Tibet is an occupied country, illegally colonized by China through aggression in 1949 in contravention of international law.
2. The UN should mediate between the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government-in-exile and the Government of the People's Republic of China for negotiations regarding the future status of Tibet.
3. The UN should accord Observer Status to the Tibetan Government-in-Exile in the GA.
4. The UN should invite the Dalai Lama to address the on-going session of the GA.
5. The UN should recall and implement the three resolutions already passed by its General Assembly on Tibet namely - Res. 1353 (XIV), 1959. Res. 1723 (XVI). 1961. Res. 2079 (XX), 1965.
We strongly urge you to write to the Secretary General, and urge him to immediately meet with the Tibetans and to issue a statement in response to their demands. We concur with the statement in a letter from Bella Abzug to the SG on October 24 -UN Day- th at the United Nations would surely not want to celebrate its 50th Anniversary by allowing six Tibetans to die at its doorstep.