Letters: The Matter with WEI Jingsheng Is Purely Chinese Internal Affairs; Loser Has No Human Rights (2 Items)
published by: China News Digest (CND), Tuesday, November 28, 1995
1) From: Jingwu.Tang@Dartmouth.EDU (Jingwu Tang) 11/23/95
Hi, Editors,
I am a Chinese student, I think the matter with WEI Jingsheng is purely Chinese internal affaris, at least we Chinese don't have to listen to what The U.S says about what we should do about this man, wheather we have democracy of not, it is OUR bussiness! If anybody wants to do something for his nation, go back to your homeland and do some real things. It reallly pissed me off that on the one hand, you are holding the June-4th green card, on the other hand, you ask the CND to organize some actions against the Chinese government!
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2) From: <*****@***.wsu.edu> 11/23/95
Subject: Human Rights???
Regarding the recent debates about the human right issues in China, I have a couple of thoughts to express. If you are going to post this in your news digest, I want my name and e-mail address to be erased.
1. American indians --- on this thanksgiving holiday, I do not know what American indians are doing , but I do know they DO NOT have any rights to vote on any federal and local elections because they are not American citicens though they are REAL AMERICANS. The reason is they are LOSERS.
2. Capitalist vs Communist or then the soviet union vs now china --- by comparing the political presures china is facing from outside in recent years and what the soviet union faced in the 70s and 80s, my conclusion is that the west is using the same strategy to try to beat another major Communist country. if you are in your 30s, 40s or older, think about what the west said about and did to the former Soviet Union, for example, a physist won a Nobel peace prize, US-China diplomatic relationship among many others, and compare these to China is facing: an electrician is a Nobel peace price candidate, US-Vietnam diplomatic relationship, WTO membership and many others. All in all, who can win another battle, Communist or Capitalist? in the west, winning is everything no matter what you did or do to others, or no matter what others (Gorby and Yeltsin??) did or do to hurt themself or their people. By the way, after the former Soviet Union was defeated, so far who has seen anybody really cares about how th
e countries of the former Soviet Union do in their domestic problems (no human right problems anymore?)?! or, who takes Russian opinions into account when the west tackles international issues, such as Bosnia?! In the westerner's mind, the former Soviet Union is a loser, its people are losers and misserable. So nobody cares, nobody, period!!!
Well, I think it is about time to enjoy a little turkey, and maybe give my family, friends or relatives back in China a call before it becomes too late.