1) From: YChin@UH.EDU (Doreen Y. Chin) 11/28/95
Mr. Angry post Li Peng' Fax number, it is a smart idea. Recently, Beijing 's area code has been changed to 10, so the number should be 86-10--467-735 if the old number is correct.
From hu@fold.tamu.edu 12/11/95
Here is the Fax numbers of Li Peng and Jiang Zemin's offices
Jiang's office: 86-10-476-7351
Li's office: 86-10-512-5810
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2) From: "Mark B. Griffith" 11/30/95http://www.echonyc.com/~leila/Wei.html
Regarding one reader's request for CND to publish Wei Jingsheng's views. This site contains extensive publications of Wei's writings, although all in English they do provide an excellent starting point.
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3) From: (Attorney Advisor GC Silver Spring) 11/28/95In CND's 11/28 Special Report, an e-mail comment was published from: <*****@***.wsu.edu>, dated 11/23/95, with the Subject heading "Human Rights???". The commenter said, in part:
"1. American indians --- on this thanksgiving holiday, I do not know what American indians are doing , but I do know they DO NOT have any rights to vote on any federal and local elections because they are not American citicens though they are REAL AMERICANS. The reason is they are LOSERS."
Although I appreciate the spirit of her/his comment, her/his facts are wrong. Since 1924, all Indians born in the United States are United States citizens. Indians, as U.S. citizens, have the right to vote in Federal and state elections. Prior to 1924, many Indians who were members of "tribes" recognized by the Federal government were not considered citizens of the United States.
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4) From: ******@***.unc.edu 11/28/95
"CND has overlooked the achievement of China." I suggest those who say so to read the regular CND-Global carefully.
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5) From: Dayong Li (GS) 11/28/95CND has become a play ground of exercising anti-Chinese-government activities. You are not representing majority oversea Chinese. Why does the CND always focus on the negatives of Chinese government. They are doing their jobs, RIGHT jobs.
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6) From: **********@vines.twdb.state.tx.us 11/28/95
The following is my response to Mr. Shi of John Hopkins University whose comment was publsihed in CND of Nov. 27. I disagree with many of your comments published on CND of Nov.27, though your encouragement to speak out and your sacrifiece by participating the 6.4. movement are both highly appreciated. Here are some of my responses.
1) Remember it is just because the official news agencies in China are never OBJECTIVE that we need such a news source like CND which is run by a group of volunteers. The Special Issue of CND is SPECIAL because those news are not published by the officia media. Do you think the news on Jiang Zemin's visit to S.Korea were special? Or the construction of another railway is special? If you are more interested in 'economic achiements', as favored by the Government, read People's Daily.
2) I am very disappointed to see some people label CND as anti-Chinese government because they spread negative news about China . This is completely biased. To those reader, I just want to say, don t you know that criticism, NOT flattery, helps a person to improve on himself. Why don t you get an open mind and accept some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism from time to time. Just ask yourself, If the government didn t do anything wrong, would there be ANY negative news about the government? If CND didn t publish these negative news, and only reported the good news, like in Mao s era, would that be good for China? I think not.
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7) From: Forest Xifu Sun 12/01/95Reader Shi yi-Gong published a letter, he/she said:"...CND should set its goal as to serve overseas Chinese by reporting news. But it went to a different extream direction, it is now serving the purpose of some organizations to act against the Chinese government. ... good news about Chinese government will hardly be found..." I totally agree with this reader. Next time, when Chinese government arrest any other people or any other bad news happen, please keep your mouth shut up. If you have hard time to find good news to report, you can copy some from Xinhua News, or you could contact the Chinese Consulates to get some good news! Otherwise, you are not serving us well and we will refuse to read HXWZ.
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8) From: zhang@iras.ucalgary.ca (Cheng-Yue Zhang) 12/09/95
Dear Editor:
Thanks for the recent posting of news about Wei Jingsheng. I strongly support ICSSC's decision to voice our resentment towards the Chinese Government in its brutal violation of human rights and its own laws. After reading Wei's article calling for the Fifth Modernization, I really feel that he said what we Chinese people wanted to say. His great courage and deep thoughts are enlightening.
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9) From: Ben-xiang Gong 12/10/95I have not had a chance to read Mr. Wei's well-known article while I was in China. I read it today, but with anger and sadness. I do not understand why the Chinese Commies until today still want to put Mr. Wei behind their bar. All he said in the article are pure facts and truths. Not a single word is wrong and made up. I grew up on the collective farm (commune of people!) in pure poverty, and I know everything about the Commies and their leadership. All Mr. Wei pointed out is purely true. Why do the commies still want to deceive the world? Why should the Chinese people continue to suffer from commies's oppression? Have we had enough of it? How can a government at the end of 20th century charge a person with the capital crime of conspiring to overthrow the government based on what he said on a piece of paper and everything he said is fact and truth? Does this make sense to anyone with a mind? What the heck is this? Why all this bullshit? Why? Why? Why? Why are we Chinese so unfortunate? We do we have to seek
for a place in another country and are afraid of going back to our own land? When will this damned thing end?
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10) From: <***@***.maine.edu> 11/29/95
Most of the Chiness students here are study natural science. Our social science backgroud was from governemnt issued, biased textbook and some personal reading based on personal interest.
First, I want to remind you something from our high-school textbook. When Shun Zhong Shan started Xin1 Hai4 Revolution, he got a lot of support from overseas.
So the oganization he formed in Japan and Honolulu was a Han3 Jain1 organization, right?
Second, Mr.Wei's father was an official of Chinese government (although not super high-rank) and he could be a Guan1 Dao3 and earn big bucks if he chose to.
Three, Mr.Wei spend 15 year in jail for the most precious years of his life. He was abused and lost several of his teeth. Would you please exchange a secretary, an office and some money for fifteen years of youth in jail?
Fouth, it is true that some Western politician are using him. It is true that there is no universally accepted concept of human rights. But people in the country should have the rights to elect their government official, get rid of the corrupted ones, should have the right to have free speech, free media.
Fifth, How many of us have heard about Mr.Wei from the Chiness official media since 1979? Nobody cares about him because nobody knows about him.
Sixth, Eastern Europe was already in proverty before the collapse of communism government.