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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Tibet
Partito Radicale Olivier - 27 dicembre 1995


by Ven. S. Rinpoche

A) To be added in section XI (Type of Satyagraha)

1. Activists will not see Chinese films or stage plays.

2. Activists will not listen or see any video or t.v. programme in which Chinese language is used.

3. Activists will wear medallions bearing the image of H.H. the Dalai Lama.

4. Activists will wear black badges or will tie black bands on their arms on specific days.

5. Activists will regularly squat in silent protest everyday during a fixed duration (say one month) or on a specified day of a week for specifed time (say an hour).

6. Activists will refuse to wear Chinese official dress.

7. Activists will take a vow to use (speaking and writing) Tibetan on all occasions.

8. Activists will not purchase or read any newspaper, magazine etc. published in Chinese language.

9. Activists will switch off lights for 15-30 minutes every evening/night (say between 8 to 10 p.m.)

10. Activists will chants prayers, national songs and will beat drams or blow horns, trunpets etc. from roof tops every evening at a specified time.

11. Activists will unfurl Tibetan national flags and religious flags from housetops.

B) To be added to Section XII (demands)

1. The Chinese settlers must quit Tibet. They must withdraw within stipulated period.

2. Whenever human rights have been violated during the Chinese regime thorough probe by an international commission must be carried so that truth smay be known and responsibility could be fixed.

R.C. (Prof. Ramesh Chandra Tiwari)

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