From Sun Jan 14 19:32:07 1996
WHAT: March for Tibet's Independence
WHEN: March 10 to April 25, 1996
WHERE: Washington, DC to New York City The PRC Embassy to the United Nations
CONTACT PERSON: Larry Gerstein
DISTANCE: 300 Miles in 45 Days
SPONSORS: International Tibet Independence Movement
U.S. Tibet Committee
Students for a Free Tibet
Tibetan Women's Assoc. (US-East Coast)
The People's Republic of China (PRC) forces Tibetans to speak, dress, worship, eat, sing, read, think, & live like the Chinese. For over 40 years, the PRC has attempted to systematically destroy the Tibetan culture, religion, & race. If the PRC succeeds, there will be no Tibet & no Tibetans. Just as it is impossible to fly half of the Tibetan flag at the United Nations, it is also impossible for Tibet to survive under the PRC's leadership.
An independent Tibet can be a "Zone of Peace." However, with China in control, it would be impossible for Tibet to be a zone of peace. Without independence, Tibetans will have no home & Tibet will die a slow death.
His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, has many times asked each Tibetan to take personal & deep responsibility for Tibet's future. His Holiness has a great responsibilty & has stated repeatedly that he requires our help. The Dalai Lama is a living example & teacher of the correct path. Now, the time has arrived for us not only to see the path, but to actively walk & live on this path. Each day, every Tibetan & Tibet supporter must do something concrete to regain Tibet's independence. By contributing to this historic "March for Tibet's Independence," in any way you feel comfortable, you will join this path.
1. Demonstrate absolute support for Tibet's independence;
2. Demand that the United Nations General Assembly enforce Resolutions 1353(XIV), 1723(XVI), & 2079(XX);
3. Petition the United Nations to grant observer status to the Tibetan Government-in-Exile;
4. Support the Dalai Lama's recognition of Gendhun Choekyi Nyima as the Panchen Lama & protest the PRC's illegal choice of their Panchen Lama;
5. Strengthen international governmental support for Tibet;
6. Strengthen worldwide collaboration between individuals & organizations who support Tibet;
7. Establish an international & national forum to advocate for Tibet;
8. Educate the world about Tibet & the human, culturual, & environmental atrocities that are occurring in Tibet;
9. Educate the world about the importance of boycotting Chinese goods.
To help Tibet regain its independence, the International Tibet Independence Movement will coordinate the "March for Tibet's Independence" with assistance from the U.S. Tibet Committee, The Tibetan Women's Association (USA-East Coast) & Students for a Free Tibet. Corporate, organizational, & financial sponsors of a walker(s) & the march are necessary. Lodging, food, & other support are needed as well. Organizations or individuals interested in serving as a sponsor of this walk should contact ITIM for further details (see the end of this announcement for the address).
Thubten Jigme Norbu (Co-Director of ITIM & Professor Emeritus, Indiana University) & Palden Gyatso (Monk & former Political Prisoner of the PRC) will lead this 300 mile walk through the quiet, rural countryside of the North Atlantic Region of the United States. Other Tibetan & Non-Tibetan political & spiritual leaders, celebrities, journalists, & supporters will also participate. Many walkers are expected in the large metropolitan areas along the route. Cities such as D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, Trenton, Princeton, New Brunswick, & NYC will be visited. If you or a friend want to join us for a day, weekend, week etc., please contact ITIM. We will walk about 8-10 miles each day for 6-8 hours per day, beginning at the PRC Embassy in Washington D.C. & ending at the United Nations in New York City. In addition to walking, some participants will deliver presentations at Universities & to community groups along the route. Press conferences will be held also. Educational material will be distributed to
inform Americans about the atrocities in Tibet & the importance of standing up against the PRC.
1. The likelihood of flying the Tibetan flag at the United Nations.
2. Implications of the PRC illegally selecting High Lama's.
3. Why The Dalai Lama encourages Tibetans to openly share their own vision, aspirations, & plans for Tibet's future.
4. Why independence for Tibet is necessary.
5. Tibet as a "Zone of Peace" under PRC rule.
6. The PRC's plans for Taiwan, Burma, India, Hong Kong, & Tibet & how these plans can influence the Western World.
7. US citizens' thoughts about the PRC, Tibet, & boycotting Chinese products.
8. How to help Tibet.
If you want to share your views & strategies on these topics & other issues related to Tibet's future, we welcome your presence on this walk. Perhaps, if you are a student, you may want to earn class credit for your full or partial involvement in this 45-day, ongoing discussion.
1. Collect signatures for Tibet's independence. Return petitions to ITIM.
2. Secure lodging, food, & support vehicles (e.g., tour buses, rvs, vans).
3. Alert the press & government officials.
4. Arrange talks at Universities & community groups.
5. Contact ITIM to participate in the walk.
6. Recruit volunteers to participate in the walk. Invite friends & family members to walk.
7. Raise funds to sponsor walkers & cover the cost of this event.
8. Talk about Tibet while we walk.
We need to know if you are going to walk by March 1, 1996. We also need any funds you raise by March 1, 1996. Checks or money orders should be made payable to the International Tibet Independence Movement. Participants are expected to pay for their own food, lodging, and transportation. PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH.
International Tibet Independence Movement
Larry Gerstein, Ph.D., Co-Director
10713 Wildwood Drive
Fishers, Indiana, 46038-9675 USA
317-579-9015 Phone; 317-579-0914 Fax