New Horizons for the Tibet Movement
March 9,10, & 11, 1996
The conference is sponsored by the International Campaign for Tibet, Tibetan Rights Campaign, U.S. Tibet Committee, Students for a Free Tibet, Canada Tibet Committee, International Committee of Lawyers for Tibet, The Milarepa Fund, Tibet House, Project Tibet, Tibetan Community Assistance Project, Capitol Area Tibetan Association, Tibetan Women's Association, East Coast and The Transnational Radical Party.
Saturday, March 9, 1996
9:30 Welcome
Lodi G. Gyari, President, International Campaign for Tibet RRinchen Dharlo, Representative of H.H. the Dalai Lama for the Americas
9:45 The Political Status of Tibet
10:30 Pro-active Nonviolence Strategies
Keynote speaker: Prof.S.Rinpoche, Chairman, Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies
Moderator: Doug Weiner
Recognition of delegates to the Beijing women's conference and the October hunger strikers.
Gendun Rinchen, tour guide, former prisoner of conscience.
12:30pm Lunch Break (regional caucuses to meet)
1:30 Workshop I: Understanding China - The Impact of Pressure on Tibet
Coordinator: Jigme Ngapo
Discussion leaders: Orville Schell, Liu Binyan, Haipei Xue
Prominent scholars, activists and China watchers - with diverse viewpoints on issues relating to Tibet - will discuss how recent changes in China are affecting Tibet. Workshop participants will also propose suggestions on how best to reach out to Chinese communities.
Workshop II: Improving Coordination & Communication
Coordinator: Kunzang Yuthok
Discussion leaders: Glen Gilbert, Meta McGarbey, Dan Hodel, Carole Samdup, Beata Tikos
Discussion on ways to increase the effectiveness of the Tibet movement through improved coordination and communication. Distribution of action alerts, organizing a Tibet presence at the Atlanta Summer Olympics and other grassroots campaigns will also be addressed.
3:30 Workshop III: International Parliament and Government Initiatives
Coordinator: Rachel Lostumbo
Discussion leaders: Thubten Samdup, Eva Herzer, Marino Busdachin, Staff of U.S. Congress
This workshop will discuss the current status of government and UN support for Tibet and the ways that the Tibet Support Groups can help build new energy and commitment to Tibet.
Workshop IV: Activism With a Punch - Boycotts and Divestment
Moderator: Claudia Cellini
Coordinator: John Ackerly
Discussion leaders: John Dinuson, Jeff Fiedler, John Hocevar, David Jacobs, Erin Potts, John Voss, Dechen Wangdu, Anne Hoffman
This workshop brings together a dynamic and growing team of people who are working on economic actions to bring pressure on China. The workshop will coordinate a national boycott and divestment efforts and expand and strengthen Students for a Free Tibet chapters.
Workshop V: Humanitarian Aid, Development & Tourism in Tibet
Coordinator: Kelsang D. Aukatsang
Discussion leaders: Lodi Gyari, Tenzin Takhla, Sonam Zoksang, Ann Oliver
This workshop will explore strategies of using international assistance to improve health and education in Tibet and will discuss the impact and significance of a growing tourism industry in Tibet. There will also be a presentation by Tibet Fund.
7:00 Reception by Capitol Area Tibetan Association
8:00 Dinner
Keynote speaker: Harry Wu, prominent Chinese human rights activist and president of the Laogai Foundation. Introduction by Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.
SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 1996
10:00am New Horizons for the Tibet Movement
Moderator: Mark Rovner
Speakers: Lodi Gyari, Dr. Edward Luttwak, Roger Craver, Bob Squire, Joel McCleary.
11:00 Assessing the Movement
Moderator: Tenzin N. Tethong
Panelists: Reports from the workshops
12:00pm Recognition of Prof. Thubten J. Norbu and marchers to New York
12:10 Concluding Remarks: Rinchen Dharlo
2:00 Rally to Commemorate the Anniversary of Tibetan National Uprising
Venue: Embassy of China. 2300 Connecticut Ave., Metro: Dupont Circle.
3:00 March for Tibet's Independence
Venue: Embassy of China.
4:00 Tibetan Association Meeting
9:00am Session on Lobbying
Venue: Capitol Hill.
Coordinator: Rachel Lostumbo