Date: May 20, 1996
To: Tibet Supporters
From: Larry Gerstein, Co-Director, International Tibet
Independence Movement
The International Tibet Independence Movement has decided to sponsor a major petition to "Boycott Chinese Goods" in support of the June 1996 Boycott program. We want people to commit to: a) destroying all the current products they own Made in China; & b) not purchasing Chinese goods in the future. Our petition follows. Please distribute this petition & return it to us by June 30, 1996. We will share the completed petitions with major U.S. companies that are doing business with China & sell Chinese products.
We the undersigned having knowledge of the terrible atrocities happening in Tibet & other countries illegally occupied by the People's Republic of China & knowing of the deplorable working conditions in China's companies, including the unfair use of child labor & political prisoners, hereby agree to destroy all current products we own Made in China & we further agree to Boycott all Goods Made in China from this day forth.
Name Address City State Zip Signature
Return this petition by June 30, 1996 to the International Tibet Independence Movement at PO Box 194, Fishers, IN 46038-0194.