Amnesty International China Campaign Information
People's Republic
of China
Focus: Jigme Sangpo
prisoner of conscience
Thousands of Tibetan pro-independence activists have been arbitrarily
detained and many have been tortured. They are in jail for peaceful acts
such as displaying the Tibetan flag, distributing or possessing tape
cassettes, posters or leaflets, expressing opposition to Chinese rule in
private conversa-tions or in public, writing or singing about Tibetan
independence, etc.
Jigme Sangpo, a former primary school teacher now in his sixties, is serving
one of the longest sentences imposed on a prisoner of conscience in Tibet.
By the time he is due to be released, in 2011, Jigme Sangpo will have spent
28 years in prison. In 1983, age 57, he was arrested for composing a
national-ist lyric entitled, "Tibetan People's Struggle" which he copied
onto posters and mounted around Lhasa. He was sentenced to 15 years in
prison for "counter-revolutionary propaganda and incitement". In 1988 he
received an additional five-year term for shouting pro-independence slogans
in jail. In December 191 he was reported to have been beaten for shouting
slogans during a visit to Drapchi prison by the Swiss ambassador to China
and to have been subsequently held in solitary confinement for at least 6
weeks. His sentence was again increased, this time by a further eight years.
He remains in Drapchi prison. Jigme Sangpo had spent at least 13 years in
prison for similar offenses before 1980.
Take action to free him and to end human rights violations in Tibet. Write
to the authorities listed below seeking his immediate and unconditional release.
Gyaltsen Norbu Zhuxi
President of the Xizang Autonomous
Regional People's Government
Xizang Zizhuqu Renmin Zhengfu
1 Kang'angdonglu
Lasashi 850000
Xizang Zizhiqu
People's Republic of China
Salutation: Dear President
Send a copy of your letter to:
His Excellency Li Daoyu
Embassy of the People's
Republic of China
2300 Connecticut Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20008
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