From: TSG-L (Tibet Support Group List)"
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 13:40:35 -0400
Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan
Formosan Association for Public Affairs
Free Burma Coalition
Taiwanese Collegian
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization
August 7 to 11, 1996
The Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party Mission in the United States is pleased to invite you to attend the Diplomacy and International Activism Training Seminar in Washington, DC, from August 7 to 11. We welcome students, activists, legislative aides, and our international friends committed to the principles of self-determination and the promotion of peaceful international relations.
Like last year, we are again honored to have the co-sponsorship of Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAA), Taiwanese Collegian (TC) and Unrepresented Nations and Peoples' Organization (UNPO). In the spirit of preserving the peace, prosperity, and integrity of a sovereign Taiwan, this seminar was initiated as part of an ongoing effort by the DPP and Taiwanese American organizations to equip our activists and future diplomats with the necessary skills. Furthermore, we recognize the importance of coalition and cooperation with other unrepresented nations and democratic movements around the world. We therefore encourage young activists of other nationalities to join us for one week of strategic workshops and sharing of experiences. Goals
The primary purpose of the seminar is to provide multi-track diplomatic training and hands-on experience to activists and diplomats striving to promote a peaceful, secure, democratic and independent country. Second, the seminar aims to strengthen international coalitions and broaden the international vision of participants through the involvement and understanding of other democratic and/or self-determination movements around the world. This year's program will focus on the international activist dimension of diplomacy -- creative means through which international goals are achieved without the presence of official governmental resources.
The following categories of training will be included.
1) Basic training in diplomatic skills: Public speaking, negotiations, conflict resolution, and knowledge of the international system and governmental / non-governmental organizations.
2) Public Relations (Media and the American Congress): International campaigns for awareness & support.
3) Dimensions of Taiwan's diplomatic relations: The China threat, international organizations, defense and security, trade and economy, humanitarian and developmental aid. (Concurrent workshops relevant to students of other nations will be available.)
4) Networking and sharing: With representatives from Tibet, Burma, and other countries.
5) Implementation: Boycotts, divestment, demonstrations, media and Congressional strategies.
Dates: Wednesday, August 7 to Sunday, August 11, 1996 Place: Washington, DC (FAPA Howard Johnson Hotel in Cheverly)
Participants: Legislative Aides, Students, and International Political Activists
Schedule: A detailed schedule of classes will be available to registered participants.
Cost: $120 Registration Fee (Includes course materials, breakfast, lunch & shared hotel room for 5 days). Make checks payable to Taiwan DPP Mission by July 15.
Application: Please submit the attached application form by July 15 to:
Taiwan DPP Mission
529 14th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20045
Tel: 202-737-4443
Fax: 202-737-4411