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Conferenza Tibet
Sisani Marina - 8 giugno 1996

Date: Sat, 8 Jun 1996 00:50:00 -0400

From: "Diana Takata"

To: Multiple recipients of list TSG-L (Tibet Support Group List)

Status of Most Favored Nation (MFN)

June 6, 1996

Please review the list below. The SFT office in NYC is working on contacting members of Congress to urge them to revoke MFN. As stated in previous posts, this is an URGENT ACTION, particularly during the next 6 WEEKS.

The process is now as follows. The House and Senate must each introduce and pass their own individual revoke MFN bills. If the legislation passes both bodies, then the Senate and House go into conference to design a single bill that will be voted on by the entire Congress. A two-thirds majority in both houses is needed to override an anticipated presidential veto of the bill.

We appreciate all of you to continue writing letters to your Congresspeople both in the House and Senate and encouraging all your friends and family, communities, church members, etc. to do so. We must hold our elected officials accountable. This is particularly important during this Presidential Election year! By doing this we are also establishing and strengthening our relationships with members on the Hill. Thank you very much.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself (Diana Takata) or Sara Laitinen (SFT Intern) at (212) 213-5011.

Note: Below compiled as a result of phone calls from 6/3/96. Calls will continue during the next 6 weeks and updates to be issued.

Summary of Status

Undecide = 34

Favoring Relink = 2

Renew MFN = 16

Oppose MFN = 31

Undecided (and members of Congressional Human Rights Caucus) Anthony Beilenson, CA

Robert Borski, PA

Ben Cardin, MD

James Clyburn, SC

Jerry Costello, IL

Rosa DeLauro, CT

Peter Deutsch, FL

Anna Eschoo, CA

Harris Fawell, IL

Vic Fazio, CA

Floyd Flake, NY

Dan Frisa, NY

Richard Gephardt, MO

Gene Green, TX

James Greenwood, PA

Steve Gunderson, WI

Sheila Jackson-Lee, TX

James Longley (strongly for human rights), ME

Nita Lowey, NY

Martin Meehan, MA

Carrie Meek, FL

Patsy Mink, HI

John Joseph Moakley (often listens to Pelosi), MA

John Olver, MA

Bill Orton, UT

Ed Pastor, AZ

Richard Pombo, CA

Nick Rahall, WV

Martin Olav Sabo, MN

Thomas Sawyer, OH

Charles Schumer, NY

Jose Serrano, NY

Louise Slaughter, NY

Gerry Studds, MA

Favoring Relink

Joseph Kennedy II, MA

Scott Klug, WI

Renew MFN

Gary Ackerman, NY

Doug Bereuter, NE

Ken Clavert, CA

Ronald Coleman, TX

Eni F.H. Faleomavaega, AS

Ralph Hall, TX

Harry Johnston, FL

Sue Kelly, NY

Jay Kim, CA (for human rights)

James Leach, IA

Carolyn Maloney, NY

Don Manzullo, IL

Matthew Martinez, CA

James Oberstar, MN

Matt Salmon, AZ (strongly for human rights)

Charlie Wilson, TX

Oppose MFN

Sherrod Brown, OH

John Conyers, Jr., MI

Peter DeFazio, OR

Robert Dornan, CA

Eliot Engel, NY

Lane Evans, IL

Barney Frank, MA

David Funderburk, NC

Sam Gejdenson, CT

William Goodlin, PA

Luis Gutierrez, IL

Stephen Horn, CA

Tom Lantos, CA

Marcy Kaptur, OH

Ron Klink, PA

Bill Lipinski, IL

George Miller, CA

Susan Molinari, NY

Jerrold Nadler, NY

Major Owens, NY

Nancy Pelosi, CA

Dana Rohrabacher, CA

Bernard Sanders, VT

Christopher Smith, NJ

Gerald Solomon, NY

Steve Stockman, TX

Robert Torricelli, NJ

Jim Traficant, OH

Nydia Velazquez, NY

Maxine Waters, CA

Frank Wolf, VA

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