Newsletter on the campaigns of the Radical Party for the freedom of Tibet and for the democracy in China.
"I truly believe that individuals can make a difference in society. Since periods of great change such as the present one come so rarely in human history, it is up to each of us to make the best use of our time to help create a happier world"
His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama, 1992
#25, June 10, 1996
Editor: Massimo Lensi, Dorottya u. 3.III.em 6. - H-1051 Budapest - tel 36-1-2663486 - 2660935 - fax 1187937 - e-mail - WWW-Url: htt// - Telnet:
Distribution: Alberto Novi - rue Belliard 89 - Rem 508, B-1047 Brussels; tel. 32-2-2304121, fax 32-2-2303670.
Published in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, Croatian and Rumanian.
Dear friends,
a sense of shame, a sense of discretion, some kind of respect for those who live and work in other organized entities could force us to hide the truth about the severity of the financial situation of the Transnational Radical Party.
But we believe that it would be a false sense of shame, a strange sense of discretion, a wrong way to respect people. All the more reason if these people are those with whom we have been working together for a long time.
As you can imagine, a party like ours, small but nevertheless really active, costs a lot of money. Nothing that really surprises people who have taken responsibilities - also financially - in their cities or region, by waging war for the freedom of Tibet.
Still imperfectly transnational, absent in numerous parts of the world, this small entity Transnational Radical Party has enormous costs in terms of communication, translation and multiplication of political goals. Every action in the parliamentarian world, simply to give an example, implies 20, 30, 40 mailings or more. Every lobbying campaign ... implies telephone calls, appointments...multiplied by 20, 30, 40...
If we have been able to face this situation during the first 8 years of existence of this transnational project, it is thanks to the support - militant of course - but also financial, of thousands of Italian inscriptions and hundreds of other inscriptions.
A dimension in terms of resources that we would consider completely inadequate but that nevertheless gave us the possibility to obtain some important success.
Today we arrived on the point of lacking the little that allowed us to maintain our rare and modest offices in Central and Eastern Europe. The little that allowed us and would allow us to print more postcards for the liberation of the Panchen Lama, a poster in favor of Wei Jingsheng, to contact different parliamentarians, to execute only one of the numerous issues that we would like to, that we would have to join to create the conditions of the realization of the world-wide Satyagraha 1998 for the freedom and the liberation of Tibet. But also to continue our work in the United Nations for the institution of a permanent international Penal Court, for the institution of a universal moratorium of capital executions, for the regulation of drugs starting from the modification of the international prohibitionist conventions actually in vigor.
Therefore, by presenting you the chapter that follows the final document approved by our last congress, we would like to invite you to become a member of the only existing transnational and transpartial party for 1996. An inscription that costs indisputably a lot of money. But the point is a necessary condition to allow a full activity of this nonviolent international organization (*).
"Lastly there is the silence when Governments and the world-wide public opinion answer the message of the Dalai Lama who interpellates the knowledge on Tibet's emblematic situation of oppression and on the totalitarian refuse of democracy and rights for the entire Chinese population. In order that Tibet lives, that Tien An Men's message lives, that the "efficient" Chinese Communism doesn't become a new and tragic model, we have to work to shape the crazy and reasonable hope of a big world-wide initiative that determines the new forms of nonviolence organized through the operation of a big Satyagraha".
Olivier Dupuis
Secretary of the Transnational Radical Party
(*) For more information on the modalities and the inscription amounts of the TRP 1996 (that correspond to 1% of the BNP), we request you to address the headquarter in Bruxelles (tel 32-2-230.41.21 - fax 230.36.70)
Although still too slowly, the adhesions for the Parliamentarians appeal to the U.N. General Secretary to request him to receive, as soon as possible, the Dalai Lama, continue to arrive mostly from European parliaments. During these last days the members of the European Parliament, French, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish, have subscribed the request addressed to Boutros Ghali. Thanks to the applications of Patrik MATON of "Friends of Tibet - Belgium", numerous Belgian Parliamentarians, federal and European, have signed while the first adhesions of Danish and Spanish parliaments have arrived. The total today is 703 signatures from 35 different parliaments. We are approaching the first 1000 adhesions' goal even if we are still at "minus 1.297" signatures of the fixed goal.
The postcard-campaign to ask the Chinese president Zemin for the immediate release of the Panchen Lama goes on in many countries.
In the last couple of days, postcards from Indian, Bulgarian, Icelandic, Croatian, Irish and Portuguese citizens have been sent to China, adding to the list of 22 other countries in the world and arriving at a total of 2.057 people who ask the Chinese authorities for the immediate release of the world's youngest political prisoner Gedhum CHOEKYI NYIMA.
With the arrival of the summer, in many European cities information stands for the postcard distribution are increasing. Indeed, this week information stands were present in the streets of Moscow, Paris, Turin, Milan and Florence.
* Situation of the postcards sent to the Chinese president.
(As of June 4th)
2/5 20/5 4/6
Austria 5 5 7
Belgium 197 238 299
Bulgaria 0 20 20
Croatia 0 3 4
Denmark 1 7 7
Russian Federation 1 4 4
France 462 561 627
Germany 65 69 111
India 0 0 5
Ireland 0 2 2
Iceland 0 0 1
Italy 13 54 226
Liechtenstein 2 2 2
Luxembourg 8 13 14
Nepal 0 1 1
Norway 55 290 338
Netherlands 14 16 28
Poland 45 45 47
Portugal 0 3 6
United Kingdom 8 10 23
Czech Republic 8 14 16
Slovakia 9 9 10
Spain 19 28 42
United States 1 2 2
Sweden 1 8 12
Switzerland 151 170 176
Ukraine 0 12 23
Hungary 4 4 4
Total 1069 1590 2057
The purchase price for the postcard is US$ 1.50 for 10 carts and
$ 6.50 for 50 carts. For orders of more than 200 carts a discount can be received.
For large quantities, we advise to contact the Brussels' Radical Party headquarters (Tel. +32-2-2304121, Fax +32-2-2303670); for smaller orders you may contact any TRP or Tibet Support Group offices.
We found out that numerous people don't send the "Brussels part" of the card because they wish to keep it. No problem on the condition that they send the copy of the completed card in an envelope to the TRP office in Bruxelles. This in order to keep up with the development of this campaign. Thank you.
Public assemblies organized by the Radical Party took place lately in Venice and in Piemont. In Vicence (May 31), Padoue (June 1), Verone and Turin (June 2) the following subjects were treated: the freedom of Tibet, democracy in China, antiprohibitionism on drugs, the abolition of death penalty in the world before the year 2000, a permanent international court for war crimes and an international language. The assemblies were presided by Olivier DUPUIS, Secretary of the TRP and European Deputy. In Milan, stands were organized on May 24 and 25 for the distribution of postcards for the liberation of the Panchen Lama on the occasion of a Philip Glass concert.
A public assembly of inscribed and sympathizers of the Radical Party took place on Wednesday June 5 in Moscow. The actions were concentrated on the Russian reinforcement of campaigns for the Tibetan freedom and the democracy in China. On June 4, anniversary of the massacre of the Tien An Men Square, TRP inscribed have organized a stand on Pushkin Square to distribute postcards for the release of the Panchen Lama as well as Tibetan flags.
On the occasion of the anniversary of the Tien An Men Square, the RIAA (Radical Idea and Action Association) seated in Florence, organized information booths on the campaigns for the freedom of Tibet and the democracy in China. Other information stands took place in Arezzo, Grosseto, Livourne, Lucques, Pisa and Sienna.
On Thursday May 30, the "U.S. Export-Import Bank" didn't approve of the demands for the financing of the project of the big dike on the Yangtze, estimated at 30 milliard dollars. The refusal to subsidize the American enterprises that are engaged in this project is connected with the environmental destruction and with the forced exodus of a million people that the realization of the dike would involve. Good news.
The broadcasting of Radio "Voice of Tibet" can be followed on the frequencies 15.445 (15445 KHZ) on tape 19, Shortwave 2.
"Freedom for Tibet - Democracy for China Fax" nr 24 has been sent by fax and E-mail to a thousand people and groups. The Italian version has been distributed to 230 addressees (160 fax and 265 E-mail); the French to 187 addressees (181 fax and 6 E-mail) and the Spanish to 70 addressees (68 fax and 2 E-mail). To these 887 copies sent from Bruxelles, 250/300 other copies of Hungarian, Croatian, Roumanian, Bulgarian and Polish editions that were distributed from the local TRP offices can be added. The number of distributed copies is still too small. We also address these 1000 addressees in order that they help us to find more addresses (fax or electronic courier) to send this information bulletin. You can contact our editorial office: Alberto NOVI - fax. +32-2-230.36.70 (
"Italy, such a work" from Francesca PINI on "Sette" - the weekly supplement of the Italian daily newspaper "Corriere della Sera" (May 30). Chronicle of the recent journey of the Dalai Lama to Italy. We publish a short chapter which concerns us. "On the monastery's esplanade escort cars, running engines, are yet ready to leave. Full speed, towards Montecitorio [the Italian parliament], for private encounters. "There is the big white man" exclaims the Dalai Lama when he sees Marco Pannella [leader of the TRP] and gives him, as to the other deputies, a white silk scarf. And this is not the end, he also writes a prayer on the textile. "This is the fourth scarf he gives me" declares jubilating Pannella, pacifist activist for Tibet, who prepares a world-wide Satyagraha (a "speech about the truth" also supported by young people)".
In the press panorama of Central-Eastern European countries we have to point out the Polish newspaper "Gazeta Wyborcza" that published last month a lot of articles on the Tibetan question and more general on the violation of human rights in China. Here are some of the last titles:"The songs of the Tibetan monks" (13/5); "Tibet: monasteries are closed" (20/5); "China reinforces the struggle against the rebellious provinces: separatists and counter-revolutionaries" (22/5); "The forbidden portrait of the Dalai Lama" (22/5); "Peking fights the opposition in Xinjiang and in Tibet" (30/5).
*Split (Croatia): Friday June 7. Conference on the Tibetan situation organized by the new Tibet Support Group in Split. Will take part: Chope Paljor TSERING, representative of the Dalai Lama in Budapest, Tereza GANZA ARAS, Croatian Deputy, Olivier DUPUIS, secretary of the TRP and European Deputy and Marina SIKORA, responsible of the TRP for Croatia.
*Zagreb (Croatia): Saturday June 8. Radical Party Assembly with the same participants of the Split conference. The assembly will be presided by Zdravko TOMAC, president of the Zagreb municipal council and Croatian Sabor (parliament) Deputy.
*Schwaebisch Hall (Germany): Saturday June 15. "Tibet Day" in the parish Sainte-Catherine in the Katharinenstrasse: from 2 to 7PM, information booths on Tibet; at 4PM Tibetan dance performances with the "Tibetan Arts & Performance" group; at 8PM, a concert for Tibet with the guitar duo "Hirsch und Palatzky". The day is organized by the Tibetan community in Switzerland, the German "Tibet-Initiative", the Association for oppressed people, the feminine chorus "Kopfhoch".
*Bonn (Germany): June 21 and 22. Public conference "Chinese-Tibetan dialogue: towards a pacifist solution of the Tibetan question". The conference is organized by the "association of Tibetans in Germany" with the "Heinrich Bohl" and "Friedrich Naumann" foundations. The following have also confirmed their presence: Erkin ALPTEKIN (President of the East-Turkestan Community in Europe), Cao CHANG-QING (journalist), Helmut STECKEL (writer), Sonam NORBU DAGPO (International Relations Department of the Tibetan Government). For more information, you can contact the organizational committee of the conference: Tsewang NORBU, President of the Association of Tibetans in Germany, Fritz Pullig Str.
Some days ago, a long interview with Wej Shanshan, sister of the
Chinese dissident Wej Jinghsheng was transmitted by the broadcasting
station "Radio Radicale".
The interview, in part reported here, was made by Paolo Pietrosanti,
member of the Radical Party's General Council.
Q: At present, Ms Wej is staying in Italy. Since a few years she
has been traveling and completely engaged to defense her brother. (...)
A: First of all, I would like to thank the Radical Party for proposing
my brother as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize and for collecting signatures around the world in order to support this proposal.
Calling the case of my brother into International attention
could really help him and more general the cause of Human rights in China.
Q: Last December, your brother was sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment.
What was the accusation?
A: My brother didn't do anything and it is very easy to prove. Just take a look at the allegations against him during the trial. He was charged for having written newspaper articles published abroad, for having tried to publish his own newspaper, for having organized exhibitions, for having helped certain people and their families who participated in the movement of 1989...
None of this can be considered as a fault, not even by Chinese law (...).
This is absurd because there is no direct evidence on his terroristic activity or his presumed involvement in any kind of illegal activity.
Q: I would like to know your own opinion about what will happen
in China after the death of Deng.
A: It is very difficult to imagine what will happen after his death. Certain is that in the present situation, people who have the power, the political class, are not submitted to any control and that they are free to do whatever they want. (...)
Q: You talk more about democracy than about human rights. Is this strongly present among Chinese dissidents?
A: The protection of human rights is a problem, but it's not only a political problem. That's why, with regard to China, a lot of people prefer only to handle the question of human rights and not the one of democracy which is a political question. But I believe that without democracy there can neither be any respect for human rights, nor independency of judges (...). I think that we can start with WEI Jingsheng's case, in order that in the judgement in appeal, there will be a public attention of UN observers.
Q: A last question. Your brother is also known as one of the Chinese dissidents who reflected the most on Tibet, on the Tibetan question. Could you tell us what your brother has said on this subject?
A: WEI Jingsheng has been in prison for a few years in Chin Hai, a region bordering Tibet, and a lot of Tibetans were imprisoned there. He thus had the occasion to know them, to study the culture and the economy of Tibet; and he admires them a lot, since the seventies. (...) As he wrote in some of his articles, my brother considers that the position of the Dalai Lama is right and he hopes that the Dalai Lama and the Chinese Government will be able to meet very soon to discuss the Tibetan question and to allow Tibet to have a real cultural and political autonomy. It is a political problem. It is the one of oppression that has been executed by the Chinese Communist Party as well on the Chinese as on the Tibetans. Chinese and Tibetans are oppressed people and that's why they have to feel like brothers, they have to fight together. With the same goal.
(The entire interview is available on the multilingual telematic system Agora - Text n. 9608 of the Radical Party Conference. Telnet: agora).