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Conferenza Tibet
Sisani Marina - 17 giugno 1996
China/Monk Torture

From omct@iprolink.ch Fri Jun 14 14:45:18 1996


Case CHN 200596.CC


Case CHN/TIB 200596.1

Follow up of Case CHN/TIB 200596

The International Secretariat of OMCT/SOS Torture requests your intervention in the following situation in Tibet.

Case CHN 200596.CC

Brief summary of the information:

According to information received from reliable sources, grave concern has been expressed to the International Secretariat, for the physical and psychological integrity of Tenzin Dawa, age 14, Tsering Thubten, age 16, and Lobsang Choegyal, age 15.

During the raid on Ganden Monastery on 7 May (for more information see CHN 200596.1 below), Chinese officials interrogated Tenzin Dawa, from the village of Serkhang in Taktse county, and beat him six times. He was then taken to Gusta Prison on 16 May 1996. Tsering Thubten and Lobsang Choegyal are also being detained in Gusta Prison.

Action requested:

Please contact the authorities urging them to:

i. take the appropriate measures to ensure the physical and psychological integrity of Tenzin Dawa, Tsering Thubten, and Lobsang Choegyal;

ii. immediately release Tenzin Dawa, Tsering Thubten, and Lobsang Choegyal;

iii. guarantee a full, impartial and exhaustive enquiry into the facts, in particular the alleged ill treatment of Tenzin Dawa, identify those responsible, bring them to trial and apply the penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions provided by legislation;

iv. ensure in all circumstances respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with national laws and international standards.

Case CHN 200596.1

Brief reminder of the situation:

Information from various reliable sources informed the International Secretariat of their grave concern over a series of arrests, including children, during various incidents that took place near Lhasa in the Tibet Autonomous Region.

The incidents are thought to be a part of a general campaign by the Chinese government to remove pictures of the exiled leader of Tibet, the Dalai Lama, from temples.

On 7 May, at least 50 monks were arrested when fighting broke out at Ganden Monastery following attempts by officials to remove pictures of the Dalai Lama. At least three monks were shot and wounded, while others were injured in the fighting.

New information:

According to the information, 61 Tibetan monks, who were arrested during the fighting on 7 May from Ganden Monastery, are being detained in Gusta Prison.

On 10 May 1996, it is believed that 25 more monks were arrested at Ganden Monastery.

Kelsang Nyendrak, a monk who was shot during the 7 May raid has died from the wound to his lower back. Five more monks with bullet wounds still remain in hiding.

Action requested:

i. take the appropriate measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of the 61 monks;

ii. immediately release the monks if they are detained without valid charges or, if such charges exist, bring them before a competent and impartial tribunal and guarantee their procedural rights at all times;

iii. guarantee a full, impartial and exhaustive enquiry into the facts, identify those responsible, bring them to trial and apply the penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions provided by legislation;

iv. ensure in all circumstances respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with national laws and international standards.


LI Peng Zongli, Guowuyuan, 9 Xihuangchenggenbeijie,

Beijingshi 100032, People's Republic of China. Telex :

210070 FMPRC CN or 22478 MFERT CN.

Fax : + 86 10 512 5810 (via Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

Li Loalin Tinzhang, Director of the Department of Public

Security, Gong'anting, Haila'er Donglu, Huhehaoteshi

010051, Nei Menggu Zizqu, People's Republic of China.

Diplomatic Representatives of the People's Republic of China in your respective countries.

Geneva, 14 June 1996

Kindly inform us of any action taken quoting the exact number of this appeal in your reply.

Ben Schonveld

Projects Manager

OMCT - SOS Torture Tel: +41-22-733 31 40

Case Postale 119 Fax: +41 22-733 31 40

CH 1211 Geneva 20 Conf: omctsostorture@conf.igc.apc.org


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