The following information is from Amnesty International's research headquarters in London, England. A.I. is an independent worldwide movement working for the international protection of human rights. It seeks the release of people detained because of their beliefs, color, sex, ethnic origin, language or religious creed, provided they have not used nor advocated violence. These are termed prisoners of conscience. It works for fair and prompt trials for all political prisoners and works on behalf of such people detained without charge or trial. It opposes the death penalty and torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of all prisoners without reservation.
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MA 10/96 MEDICAL CONCERN June 21, 1996
Chen Ziming is a 44-year-old prisoner of conscience arrested for his role in the June 1989 pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square. He was arrested in 1989 and sentenced in 1991 to 13 years' imprisonment for 'counter-revolutionary' activities and for allegedly masterminding the protests of 4 June 1989.
In mid-May 1994, Chen Ziming was released on medical parole and was later found to be suffering from prostate cancer. Surgical intervention was undertaken in November 1994 and he subsequently received radiotherapy. During this time he was held under virtual house arrest and was then re-imprisoned in June 1995.
He is now reported to be experiencing further pain in his left testicle which mimics the pain he experienced earlier. There is concern that his cancer may have spread and that he is again in need of specialist attention.
Chen Ziming is a veteran pro-democracy activist and took part in the 1979 'Democracy Wall' protests when he worked on the influential journal Beijing Spring. In 1986 Chen Ziming and fellow activist Wang Juntao set up an independent social science institute, the Beijing Social and Economic Research Institute, which was closed down after both were arrested. Wang Juntao was released in 1994. Both men were described by the Chinese authorities as the 'Black Hands' behind the 1989 pro-democracy protests.
Chen Ziming's wife was also arrested following the Tiananmen Square protests and was held for over a year before being released without charge. She had been seven months' pregnant at the time of arrest, but lost her baby in detention.
When Chen Ziming was released on medical parole in 1994, his family are reported to have been asked to cover the cost of his treatment unless he admitted guilt and signed a statement to that effect. Chen Ziming stated that he had never and would never admit guilt.
Chen Ziming's case has received widespread attention bcause of his public pro-democracy activities in China. He was the subject of a resolution passed by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detenion in 1994 which criticized his arrest as being contrary to international safeguards against arbitrary arrest.
Several doctors have stated that, from the description of Chen Ziming's current symptoms, they believe that his cancer may well have spread and that he is in urgent need of appropriate medical attention. He is also reported to be suffering from hepatitis and currently has severe digestive problems, with constant diarrhoea. He is said to be very weak and without medication or any proper medical attention.
Amnesty International continues to call for Chen Ziming's unconditional release as a prisoner of conscience, and is urging his immediate release for referral to an oncologist and other necessary attention which he is currently not receiving in prison.
Recommended Actions: Letters are requested from medical professionals to the addresses below:
o calling for Chen Ziming's immediate and unconditional release
o expressing concern that Chen Ziming, who is suffering from cancer, is being denied appropriate medical attention and is said to be without medication
o noting that he was earlier released on medical parole during which time he underwent surgery for prostate cancer and that there are fears his cancer has spread
o seeking assurances that he will be immediately be released to allow investigation and treatment
Minister of Justice
XIAO Yang Buzhang
Beijingshi 100016
People's Republic of China
[Faxes 011 86 10467 7351 ]
Minister of Public Health of the People's Republic of China
CHEN Minzhang Buzhang
44 Houhai Beiyan, Gulou Xidajie
People's Republic of China
[Telephone: 011 86 10 440531 ]
(Salutation: Your Excellency0
Premier Li Peng
LI Peng Zongli
9 Xihuangchenggenbeijie
Beijingshi 100032
People's Republic of China
[Fax : 011 86 10512 5812 (via Ministry of Foreign Affairs)]
Copies to :
Xinhua News Agency
[Telex 716 210045]
[Fax: 011 86 102019332]
Ambassador Li Daoyu
Embassy of the People's Republic of China
2300 Connecticut Ave. NW
Washington DC 20008
Please send appeals immediately. Check with the Colorado office between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm, Mountain Time, weekdays only, if sending appeals after July 31, 1996