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Conferenza Tibet
Pobbiati Paolo - 25 settembre 1996
Tibetan Women


Amnesty International China Campaign Information



Tibetan Women - apprehended for their beliefs

Gross violations of human rights in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) have

intensified since a resurgence of demonstrations and other activities in

favour of Tibetan independence that began in September 1987. Since then

thousands of Tibetan nationalists have been arbitrarily detained for their

involvement in peaceful pro-independence activities.

The majority of current political prisoners in Tibet are Buddhist monks and

nuns detained solely for their peaceful expression of support for Tibetan

independence. Some are held without charge or trial, others are serving

long prison terms imposed after unfair trials. Many have been tortured.

Amnesty International takes no position on the independence of Tibet. Its

concerns rest with the authorities denial of free speech and association in

the region, and the persistent pattern of gross violations of other

fundamental human rights in connection with the suppression of the

nationalists' movement and freedom of belief and expression of the Tibetan

Buddhist religion.

Thousands of people have been jailed in the past decade in China because

they have formed small political groups or have spoken out for their

beliefs. The Chinese constitution guarantees in principle, freedom of

speech, assembly and association, but other legal provisions make exercising

these rights punishable by imprisonment or administrative detention.

Repression of religious activity has intensified since 1994, when new

restrictions were imposed on fundamental freedoms. In Tibet the authorities

introduced new measures aimed at limiting the scope of religious activities

and suppressing pro-independence activities.


The following women were all detained by the authorities in 1995 for their

pro-independence activities. There have been no reports about the use of

violence in their protest. Amnesty International believes that they are

possible prisoners of conscience.

It is not known whether these women are still in detention or if they have

been released. Neither is it known if any formal legal charges have been

brought against them or if they have been granted the right to a trial.


TRA-SIL - apprehended on 12 August 1995 in connection with the controversy

over the reincarnation of the 10th Panchen Lama (LHASA)

KHETSUL - detained in February 1995 and allegedly beaten during her initial

detention. (PHENPO LHUNDRUP)


TENZIN DROLMA were all nuns at the Shar Bumpa Nunnery in Phenpo Lhundrup in

Tibet. They were all apprehended on 28 February 1995. Their whereabouts

are not known.

TSERING CHOEKYI ( 20 years old) NAMGYAL (19 years old),CHE-CHE (23 years),

CHIME DROLKER (21 years), LODROE TENZIN (29 years old), CHOEKYI (19 years),

CHOGDRUP DROLMA (24 years old), DEKYI (29 years old), TENZIN CHOEDRON (33

years),YANGDROL (25 years),YANG-GA ( 23 years), JAMPA (23 years), CHAMDRON (

24 years), RIGZIN ( 20 years), SHERAB CHOEPHEL (21 years), and TSERING

CHOEKYI (20 years) were all nuns at the Gyadrag Nunnery in Penpo Lhundrup in

Tibet. They were all apprehended on 15 February 1995. Their current

whereabouts are unknown.

Letters should be sent to the Tibetan authorities listed here and to the

central authorities given at the end of these case sheets. Letters should;

* Ask for clarification of their status and whereabouts.

* Express your concern that these women have been detained for what seems to

be the peaceful expression of their right to freedom of expression and


* Express your concern at the repression and harrassment of Tibetan nuns,

some of whom are very young.

* Expressing concern that the fate of these women and many other nuns and

monks in Tibet apprehended in connection with peaceful demonstrations have

not been made public.

President of the Xizang Autonomous Regional People's Government

Gyaltsen Norbu Zhuxi

Xizang Zizhiqu Renmin Zhengfu

1 Kang'angdonglu

Lasashi 850000

Xizang Zizhiqu

People's Republic of China

Telexes: 68014 FAOLT CN or 68007 PGVMT CN - Salutation: Dear President

Telegram: President of the Regional People's Government, Lhasa, Xizang

Autonomous Region, China


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