Subject: Re: Bonnino: A Fish Story
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0 -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
X-Comment: The Transnational Radical Party List
> >
> >
> > Rather than endless re-hashings of the same pro/anti capital punishment
> > arguments I would be interested in hearing how Bonnino's position on the
> > Turbot war fits in with the desire to develop a "transnational" political
> > formation.
> >
> > Anyone,
> >
> > Mike Gurstein
> >
> Isn't the Turbot war over? Craig Harrison
I am not sure the Turbot war wll ever be over. We fight,we fight, we
fight, but the fish never seem to undrstand. How can you convey the
compleities of Gramscis to a one-lunger? Keep fighting the war brothers,
soon we will over take those cpitialist bastard and bring some
cetnralized ecnoiy to both the fishing industry and the world. Remember,
its not what you do but who you know! Long live the TNRPL and its
commitment to