Subject: (1) from TRANSNATIONAL
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0 -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
X-Comment: The Transnational Radical Party List
10 April 1995
by Olivier Dupuis
Our 37th Congress has just ended. A Congress which, despite being organized
without sufficient funds, was characterized by a significant level of
presence and participation, and by speeches of a quality never achieved in
the past. For the first time, most of these speeches focused on the
question of the survival and development of the Radical Party.
The Congress was able, with lucid objectivity, to measure the steps taken,
important though still insufficient, to achieve the goals set by the Sofia
motion: anti-prohibitionism on drugs, the establishment of an international
moratorium on executions by the year 2000, the establishment of a permanent
international criminal jurisdiction, the promotion of an international
language, and support for environmental reforms in the ex-Soviet empire.
These five initiatives were confirmed by the Congress, which also added a
project to organize a great world Satyagraha for the freedom and liberation
of Tibet.
The tragic events which have taken place or are still in progress in the
former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Chechnya, Tibet, China, Burundi, and other
places around the world, confirm the decision of those who, with their
membership, militant and financial support, have chosen to create the
first, and so far the only, transnational and transdivisional party. A
party that is still the only concrete alternative with its analyses and
political proposals, to the various forms of demagogy and passive
resignation, whether organized or not.
As this conviction became stronger during the Congress, so did the
conviction that the Party as it stands is still weak, in terms of size and
of organization, and above all in terms of its financial and economic
To fill the gap between our ambitions and our strength, the Congress
entrusted the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer with its statutory
powers, with the task of reorganizing the Radical Party and preparing the
grounds for its refoundation. A task which will involve drastic reductions
in expenditure, the reorganization of our activities in the various
countries, the gradual transfer of essential services for the functioning
of the Radical Party from Rome to Brussels, a new type of relationship with
the associations and federate bodies and, above all, the search for new
human and financial resources.
It is a difficult task indeed, but we are sure that it can be accomplished
if the parliamentarians (and here lies the "transparty"!) and the activists
who are already members, or those who join in the future, take on new
responsibilities, like our new President Jean-Franois Hory.
We must now roll up our sleeves and waste no time. We must do what we have
always done and, with the help of our imagination, what we have never done
in order to give renewed strength to our party: the only party built on the
direct enrollment of militants and parliamentarians, the party of organized
Enjoy your work!