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Conferenza Transnational
Agora' Internet - 4 maggio 1995

From: Transnat.List@agora.stm.it

To: Multiple recipients of list

Subject: (2) from TRANSNATIONAL

X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0 -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas

X-Comment: The Transnational Radical Party List

10 April 1995



It is impossible, in such a short space, or even in a whole issue of

Transnational, to give an exhaustive report of the proceedings of the

Congress, the depth and the quality of the debate which, although condensed

into just two packed days, was extremely rich. Nor is it possible to fully

convey the importance and significance of the level of presence.

The proceedings opened with the reports by the President of the General

Council, Olivier Dupuis (now the Secretary of the Radical Party), the

Treasurer Ottavio Lavaggi, and Emma Bonino (a written report, read out by

the interim Secretary Luca Frassineti).

Lawrence Hayes, the last person to be sentenced to death in New York,

brought his greetings and an account of his dramatic experience. There

followed speeches by the Azerbaijan deputy Arif Kafarogly Ragim Zade, the

Esperantist Hans Erasmus, and the Portuguese deputies Joao de

Menezes-Ferreira and Paulo Casaca.

Lenora Fulani, one of the main leaders of the African Americans, and a

candidate in the presidential elections in 1988 and 1992, spoke of the

problems and the possibilities of the "third party" in the United States.

There were then speeches by Valerij Ivasiuk, First Vice-President of the

Ecology Commission of the Armenian parliament; Piero Verni, President of

the Italia-Tibet Association; and Carla Rossi, Secretary of the Radical

Anti-prohibitionist Committee. Giorgio Pagano, Secretary of the Esperanto

Radikala Asocio, illustrated the RP campaign on the international language,

while Sergio D'Elia, Secretary of Hands Off Cain, spoke about the campaign

for the abolition of the death penalty by the year 2000. Danilo Quinto,

Secretary of "There Is No Peace Without Justice", reported on the campaign

for the International Criminal Court, Filippo di Robilant on the

initiatives on Aids and pandemics, and Maurizio Turco on the campaign for

the denouncement of the UN conventions on drugs.

Other speakers included the outgoing President of the Radical Party, Marco

Pannella; the European Commissioner Emma Bonino; Roberto Cicciomessere,

former Secretary of the Radical Party, who spoke about Agora' Telematica

and the political frontiers opened by new computer technology; Jean-Luc

Robert, on behalf of the International Anti-prohibitionist League; Slavko

Perovic, deputy of the Montenegrin parliament and President of the LSCG

(Alliance of Montenegrin Liberals); Sandor Nagy, President of the VMDK

(Democratic League of Hungarians in Voivodina); Vytautas Petkevicius,

Lithuanian deputy; Ermelinda Meksi, Albanian, MP; Samir Labidi, Tunisian

jurist; Irakly Melashvili and Eljgudzha Gvazava, Georgian, MPs; Ferenc

Csabela and Lajos Balla, MPsfrom Voivodina; Julij Rybakov, Russian MPs;

Valeriu Matei, Moldavian, MP; Janisset Rivero, Secretary, Cuban Directorio

Revolucionario of Miami; Narine Balajan, Armenian MP; Zarema Mademilova,

Kirghiz; Ibrahim Tatarli, Bulgarian MP and university professor; Valerij

Borscev, Russian MP; Stepan Grigorjan, Armenian MP; Victor Grebenscikov,

Moldavian State Councillor for ethnic problems; Gaqo Apostoli, Albanian MP;

Muhamed Kresevljakovic, former Mayor of Sarajevo, presently Bosnian Consul

in Milan; Arthur Robinson, deputy and former Premier of Trinidad and


Gyaltsen Gyaltag, representative in Western Europe of the Dalai Lama and

the Tibetan government in exile, followed by Samvel Shaginjan, President of

the Ecology Commission of the Armenian parliament.

Next came the speech by Jean-Franois Hory, the leader of the French


Others who took part in the Congress included John Marks, an expert on drug

addiction from Liverpool; Tereza Ganza Aras, Croatian deputy; Maria

Giovanna Maglie, Italian journalist in New York; the European Parliament

members Pierre Pradier, Dominique Saint-Pierre, Nol Mamere, Ernesto

Caccavale, and Gianfranco Dell'Alba; the Algerian singer Lounes Matoub, a

victim of the fatwa; Adriaan Bronkhorst, co-ordinator of the Drug Peace

Institute of Amsterdam; Jean-Claude Bouda, a deputy in Burkina Faso and a

member of the Radical Party for many years, who came with a large group of

African parliamentarians including Ibrahim N'doure, from Mali; Elena

Poptodorova, Bulgarian deputy; Marat Zahidov, former Uzbekh deputy; and

Matis Jeno, Romanian deputy.

These are just some of those who took part, without mentioning the names of

members who have held statutory office in the last few years.

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