Subject: Bosnia
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0 -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
X-Comment: The Transnational Radical Party List
- Since a thousand days from the beginning of the war involving the
Internationally recognized Republic of Bosnia-Erzegovina;
- Whereas the conflict has already caused more than 200,000 casualties,
hundreds of thousands injured, more than three millions refugees;
- Whereas the capital Sarajevo and the cities of Gorazde, Srebrenica, Zepa,
Bihac, Velika Kladusa are still surrounded by Karadzic' and Martic's
militia, and people in those cities are still living under daily terror and
- Whereas the six peace plans, which include the ethnic-based division of
the country, proposed by the International community have been rejected;
- Whereas a series of recent elements, including the current increase of
truce violations, seems to forecast a new outburst of the conflict;
- Whereas the credibility of the presence in Bosnia of the International
community in general, and particularly of the European Union, related to
its efforts toward a peaceful settlement, seems more and more doubtful;
- Whereas the European Union, in the occasion of the 1996 Inter-governments
Conference, is moving toward a reform of its foreign policy;
We, men and women signing this appeal, politicians, culture makers, and
scientists, European citizens,
- welcome with the greatest interest and hope those signs supporting the
request for the adhesion of Bosnia to the European Union from many
political and cultural personalities on Muslim, Croatian and Serbian sides
of Bosnia-Erzegovina;
- believe that the acceptance of the Bosnia request by the European Union
could finally create a frame for a peaceful and lasting resolution of the
conflict, allowing for the participation of all the Bosnian people as well.
- believe that such an adhesion process has essentially a political meaning
and therefore no economical or technical reason should be used as an excuse
to avoid or postpone its actualization;
- invite everybody to get involved and organized everywhere in Europe so
that the Repubblic of Bosnia officials, overcoming a legitimate prudence
and diffidence, could file the formal application for the adhesion to the
European Union and so that European authorities could accept such request
with no delay.
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