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Conferenza Transnational
Agora' Internet - 15 giugno 1995
TRANSNATIONAL - part 2 of 5

From: Transnat.List@agora.stm.it

To: Multiple recipients of list

Subject: TRANSNATIONAL - part 2 of 5

X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0 -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas

X-Comment: The Transnational Radical Party List




Sarajevo, 5th June 1995

Dear Sir/Madam,

You are probably already aware of the initiative of the transnational

Radical Party in support of the application by Bosnia-Hercegovina to join

the European Union. An international appeal in support of the application

has so far been signed by more than 80 members of the European Parliament,

by 170 deputies of various European national parliaments, and by leading

figures from the world of culture and science.

Your support for this appeal would help to persuade the governments of the

member countries of the European Union to take a position with regard to

the initiative, and would also represent a condemnation of the aggression

against the Republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina and the voice of conscience

against hatred and violence, in the awareness that this is not an ethnic or

religious war but a brutal attack on an independent, sovereign and

internationally recognized European country. The ferocious

Serbo-Montenegrin aggression and the invisible genocide which have been

carried out for over three years in Bosnia-Hercegovina are aimed at

destroying the whole Bosnian people and dividing Bosnia Hercegovina into

small ethnic countries.

We hope that you will not take a neutral position with regard to the

struggle between democracy and ultra-nationalism and fascism, between a

multi-ethnic and multi-religious concept and the idea of the single nation

and single religion.

Bosnia Hercegovina is fully aware of the principles on which the European

Union is founded, being itself a centuries-old model of multi-ethnic

society based on tolerance and the co-existence of peoples. In this sense

Europe, too, has a duty to uphold its own concept for Bosnia-Hercegovina.

Thus the membership of our country in the European Union would support a

multi-ethnic, multi-religious and democratic Bosnia-Hercegovina, a state in

which citizens are equal before the law whatever their ethnic, religious or

political roots, within its internationally recognized confines.

The deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina, and I

myself, give our unreserved support to this appeal.

In the hope that you will join us, and all the democratic forces in Europe,

in the front line of the struggle for a better and more human world, of

which the free, democratic, and intact Bosnia-Hercegovina will be a member,

I send you my best regards.

Yours faithfully,

Miro Lazovic

President of the Parliament of Bosnia-Hercegovina

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