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Conferenza Transnational
Agora' Internet - 15 giugno 1995
TRANSNATIONAL - part 5 of 5

From: Transnat.List@agora.stm.it

To: Multiple recipients of list

Subject: TRANSNATIONAL - part 5 of 5

X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0 -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas

X-Comment: The Transnational Radical Party List


Due to lack of space, in this issue of the newsletter we can only give a

brief outline of the initiatives in progress or under preparation on the

other objectives set out by the motion at the last Congress.

Further details will be given in the next issue.


* Demonstration in support of the Dutch government

After pressure from other European governments, a project was presented in

the Netherlands which envisaged severe limitations of the Dutch "harm

reduction" policy. On 19 May, together with our friends from the European

Cannabis Consumers Organization (ECCO), we organized demonstrations outside

over 200 Dutch embassies and consulates. The demonstrations had an

immediate effect: the project was blocked.

* 1000 lire publications: Stop Prohibitionism

The Italian edition of a brochure outlining the main arguments in favour of

the anti-prohibitionist battle is ready for publication. If contributions

are forthcoming, it will also be published in other languages.

* First Anti-prohibitionist March

Together with the CoRa and ECCO, we are organizing the First

Anti-prohibitionist March in Europe, from Amsterdam to Brussels via

Maastricht and Schengen, to be held from 25 August to 5 September. If we

are successful, it will be a powerful initiative.

* CoRAction

Maurizio Turco is working on a project for a newsletter to inform and

co-ordinate the action of anti-prohibitionists all over the world. It will

be two-weekly, and distributed by fax or post. The pilot issue is almost


Campaign for the abolition of the death penalty

* Will Europe put the demand for a universal moratorium on executions on

the agenda of the next session of the United Nations? It is possible: we

are working to have a motion presented in the July session of the European

Parliament. We will also try to present similar motions in a number of

national parliaments (in particular in Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Belgium,

Romania, Poland, Burkina Faso, and Albania). In Italy, over 50

parliamentarians have already signed the motion.

Permanent Criminal Court

* The news which Emma Bonino brought on her return from New York is

encouraging. Our plan, which involves the rapid institution of a Court with

responsibility for crimes against humanity and war crimes, is gaining

ground within the ad hoc Commission set up last year.

In August, when the proceedings of the Commission will be concluded, we

will have to organize powerful nonviolent initiatives to ensure that the

conclusion of the proceedings of the Commission is not postponed: it is

essential that the next session of the United Nations should be able to

come to a decision.

Satyagraha for Tibet

* During the Second World Parliamentary Assembly for Tibet, held in Vilnius

at the end of May, Olivier Dupuis, Secretary of the Radical Party, Massimo

Lenzi and Piero Verni, President of the Italy-Tibet Association, met Prof.

Samdong Rimpoche, President of the Tibetan Parliament in exile. In the next

issue of the newsletter (if we have enough funds to publish another

issue!), we will present an important paper written by Prof. Samdong on the

Satyagraha and on the preparations for what should become a great

international nonviolent initiative for a free Tibet.

International language

* We are working on a report addressed to the deputies of the European

Parliament on the political and economic costs of (non)-communication in

the European institutions, and in Europe in general.


* The Radical Anti-militarist Association (R.A.A) was founded in Moscow in

May. Its objective is the rapid approval of a law on conscientious

objection in Russia. The R.A.A, a Radical association in Russia, is open to

everyone (see page 1 for the address of the offices in Moscow).

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